The study of dreams is crucial in creating and keeping a healthy lifestyle as well as understanding the meaning behind our dreams and how they can affect our lives. The article linked above helps to explain how technology affects our sleep. Although technology has helped us learn about dreams, sleep, and wakefulness, it also has negatively impacted our sleep. When one goes to bed with technology, they experience stimulation in mental activity. This stimulation causes one to become more anxious and may force them to fall asleep much later than they may typically go to bed. The lack of sleep will then affect them the next day and the repetition of this is a toxic cycle that can be hard to escape. I feel that this article helps me to better understand the actual consequences of technology and how going to bed without it is much better for your life. This is an article that many people should read especially because it effects a very large population. With both technology and streaming services becoming more popular, this allows many people to follow the “trends” and stay up late watching tv or on a phone. Its important to understand what you are doing to your body so that way you can make beneficial decisions when going to bed. After all, sleep is one of the most important things in life as we spend about 1/3 of lives doing it. |
I found your post interesting because I find myself using technology before going to bed. Your post made me think about how my habits impact my sleep cycles in a negative way. Going forward, I will try to “unplug” before going to bed. (Although this will be hard!)
I really enjoyed how you lead with how technology has both a positive and negative effect on people. You lightly touched on how technology has helped us by stating ” technology has helped us learn about dreams, sleep, and wakefulness” and later went on to list the negatives. Going on about how technology “causes one to become more anxious and may force them to fall asleep much later” which consumed majority of the essay. This was a great use of the 25% / 75% strategy.
I enjoyed reading about your topic. It was very intriguing. I know that I fall asleep with my phone on sometimes. I really enjoyed how you mentioned both the “pros” and “cons” of the topic.
I enjoyed reading this, it made me think more about how my dreams and sleep are more important than I think. I like how you gave the examples of people following “trends” and staying up late on their phones. I do this more than I should and reading this made me realize I need to put sleep first and put my phone away, so I am not tempted to use it when I need to sleep.
I found your writing very insightful and eye opening. Especially when you talk about how technology may help us, but is not good for us it really brings to light the problems that technology brings.
This was very fascinating to read because I can relate to this topic because I go on my phone late at night, and did not realize how detrimental it is to my health. I really want to learn more about this topic because learning about all the negative psychological consequences may help me find ways to reduce the amount of time spend on my phone at night.
I found you post to be very intriguing as it reminded me of the AP Psychology class I took last year. After reading, I quickly related this topic to myself, as I find myself using technology every night before I go to bed. One thing that caught my eye was your use of the cause & effect argumentative technique that we’ve been learning in class. To do that you mentioned, “this stimulation causes . . . become more anxious . . . fall asleep much later.” Also, following my reading I am more inclined to research benefits of not using technology before bed and want to see your final product!
This is a very interesting and relatable topic to read because I before I sleep I’m always on my phone and I feel as if what I see before I sleep does influence my dreams.
My hippie vegan cousin keeps a dream journal. It sounds crazy, I know. She also has a book that claims to know the meaning of our dreams. She also believes in magic rocks so who knows what is real or not. Anyways, I happen to have crazy dreams which sometimes cause me to wake up in the middle of the night. This could be because I am just an anxious person, but what if it was because of my phone? I know Kim Kardashian doesn’t put her phone in her bedroom. If Kim K does it shouldn’t we all? I liked how you asked tons of questions in your writing. When you wrote about how the article made you feel I could really hear your voice shine through. Do you think if you watch a scary movie before bed it will give you bad dreams? I am excited to see what you write next!