After reading the article “Do Violent Video Games Lead to Violence?” the article talks about how kids are easily influenced by social media and video games. This can lead to violent behaviors and also links to reasons behind multiple school shootings. In the article, they provided an example of a mass shooting that happened in Texas. The shooter made a reference to a shooting video game he had played and explained how he understood how shootings worked and was very well familiar with violence and guns. This caused a panic among adults and politicians as they claimed that violent video games are the reason behind all these mass shootings.
This helps with my research paper because it provided an example of a mass shooting that happened due to a video game. Everyone including kids have access to these video games and are exposed to these games violent nature on a daily basis. If you are exposed to violence you are likely going to think that these are normal and that there is nothing wrong with it. Like the article stated, kids are easily influenced by the social media and violent video games. Although these video games are fiction, if kids are continuously exposed to it everyday, it can lead to something much more concerning.