Blog Post #2: How are Scientists Working to Increase the Length of Telomeres
The following journal article goes as follows, scientists research the issue/natural process of how telomeres shortening leads to various diseases such as senescence, apoptosis, oncogenic transformation of somatic cells, shorter lifespan, less survivability, and affecting the lifespan of an individual. As the rate of telomere shortening can be increased or decrease by a specific lifestyle; eating healthier foods and large amounts of physical activity. It’s with this lifestyle, that telomere shortening can be greatly reduced along with an increased lifespan or at least prevent excessive telomere attrition. Suggested ways to prolong one’s lifespan consists of eating less, meditating, and watching what a person puts into their body such as avoiding antioxidants.
The article helps me look deeper into my question by explaining the different kinds of experiments and research that scientists have been looking into the shortening of telomeres. Furthermore, the article indulges to show different results and the effects of telomere shortening. Along with this, the article also brings up many different solutions for naturally preventing the the shortening of telomeres or at least slowing it down. The article also divulges into more explanatory areas as to what specifically can cause telomere shortening and how it affects the body. This is very helpful as it gives emphasis to the specific kinds of research that scientists have done with the shortening of telomeres.
Blog Post #1: How are Scientists Working to Increase the Length of Telomeres
What enzyme are scientists using to shorten Telomere degradation? What experiments have scientists ran in order to find out more about the effect of Telomere length on the aging of a cell? Have scientists experimented with the Telomeres of both HELA cancer cells and ordinary cancer cells? What discoveries are scientists implementing into the research for pro-longed life or anti-aging through the use of increased Telomere length? What exact effect or effects do telomeres have on cells and how they divide? Why do telomeres degrade as the cell divides? Do telomeres come in different lengths for each person or cell and how does/would it affect the process for anti-aging or the process of discovering it?
Entry #2
The tomato, as I am looking at it now, and how I see it transform before my eyes as the tomato begins to shift and turn, its plum and rounded self constantly bobbing and weaving like that of a wheel, completing one cycle to the next. In fact, the “heirloom” looks as read as the sun, constantly radiating its splendor to the world as it keeps everything in orit, especially this lovely conversation we’re having on a friday evening, As everyone scurries on about around me, and the tomato is the one that is left standing.
Entry #1
8/31: This fruit has a tooth. In fact, it seems as though it has multiple teeth. LIke if it were twenty times larger it could throw me and I would go yeet. As you could tell, this thing has no feet, though I believe this fruit belongs in the sand, though it would be a one man band. It looks like a sarlac pit. All the tentacles fluttering about. though things got weird when upside down, as it just makes you think of sauron from lord of the rings, and that someone has dislodged his eye , don’t ask why, I don’t know how, I have a hard time believing that it could happen somehow.
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