Research Paper Blog 2 – YES, ALIENS (PROBABLY) EXIST.

One useful (and fun) source that I have stumbled upon in my research on the search for aliens is an article titled, “YES, ALIENS (PROBABLY) EXIST.” This article essentially summarizes the search for aliens and what scientists might consider during this process. One impactful method that the author uses to support her claim that aliens probably exist is that there are more stars in the sky than there are grains of sand on Earth. I do believe that that is a rather large number of stars, each with their own solar systems and planets with moons. That leaves a very large chance that just one of those celestial bodies contains extraterrestrial life. The article also questions our knowledge about where aliens might be located. One might assume that the best place to look is in other planets that are similar to Earth. However, we simply do not have enough knowledge about what kind of life might exist outside of our own planet. There could be some really cool life on planets that we would never expect.

Overall, this source is helpful for my research question because it gives me a very good tool for what topics I could contemplate on the subject of searching for aliens. There are a lot of subjects and perspectives that I initially did not have upon choosing the topic of alien discovery. Now, I have a better understanding of what topics I should include in my paper and how this will help me word my thesis.

Even with all of the technology that scientists are equipped with, we really just have no idea how close we are to finding extraterrestrial life. However, I agree with the author that we do have the technology to find alien life, and I really hope that this happens in my lifetime. It wouldn’t be fun if the aliens were mean, though.

Citation for article:

TARSHIS, LAUREN. “Yes, Aliens (Probably) Exist.” Scholastic Scope, vol. 63, no. 5, Jan. 2015, pp. 17–20. EBSCOhost,                  live&scope=site.

Discovery of Aliens Research Questions

Does extraterrestrial life exist? How long is it expected for us to take to find aliens? What should we expect aliens to look like? How likely or unlikely is it that life in the universe exists at all?  What kinds of technology are we using to find aliens? How have improvements in technology improved our ability to locate extraterrestrial life? Do we already have any evidence that aliens exist? Is the discovery of aliens something that we should fear? Does the government play a role in how much the public knows about alien evidence? Is our current criteria for determining where life can exist correct?

The Artichoke: a Spiky, Green Evolutionary Masterpiece

Entry 1 (9/1/2022)

This artichoke looks pretty unique compared to other organic entities I could have selected. It’s very sharp, though, as I pricked myself with it once or twice while putting it in my backpack. I wonder how much those sharp edges actually protect it in nature, though, because the points are rather small. This artichoke almost looks like a strawberry, just with a green color on the main body instead of the red of a strawberry. You can learn a lot about evolution from observing this artichoke. Unfortunately, the artichoke is already beginning to lose some of its green color; the emerging shade of brown gives it a more solemn look, as if it needs my help in maintaining its health. I hope the artichoke can prevail for a long time.

Entry 3 (9/6/2022)

The artichoke sadly has more brown on it then before. Also, I can even observe some purple forming near the base of the stem. This is so tragic; I wish there was a way for me to nurture it back to full health. It would surely be amazing if we started making medicine for plants. I don’t think I’d be able to do that in time to save this particular artichoke, however. I’m not sure, but this could be my last day documenting this artichoke. If that is the case, I will definitely miss the spiky, green delicacy that has aided me greatly with my academic endeavors. I hope this artichoke has led me to become a better College Composition student; for now, it is too early to tell.