Security Risks of the Metaverse World – Second Blog Post

The database article “Security Risks of the Metaverse World,” by Tanya Abdulsattar Jaber, comprises how the Metaverse is being created using blockchain technology, virtual reality software, and virtual worlds to create a realistic world that is all online. However, the article speculates on the security risks it poses, due to it being a new and upcoming innovation and will come with flaws and vulnerabilities in the systems. However, many of the potential security risks could be very dangerous, such as identity fraud, credential theft, ransomware, and other social engineering attacks that could lead to lots of personal information or data being stolen or corrupted. Finally, the article concludes how many have thought that this virtual world would be safe due to blockchain technology, an advanced database system, however, this technology can not avoid the many security threats that have already been identified.

After reading “Security Risks of the Metaverse World,” my thesis had completely changed. I realized that my initial thesis of cybersecurity being an essential job in the Metaverse can not be argued, since it will be needed in anything that is computer-based or related to the Internet of Things. This is why my new thesis question has been altered to “Is the Creation of the Metaverse Better for the Good or Worse?” that can be debated between two sides and will need more research on the topic. Even more, the database article I found argues that the Metaverse is for the worst, since the Metaverse is a new and upcoming technology, and is going to contain many vulnerabilities with countless possibilities of cyber attacks. This pushes me towards thinking that the Metaverse may not be as good as it seems after all; however, I will need to pursue more research to see if my point of view will change.

(Link to article –

How Will CyberSecurity Jobs be Implemented Into the Creation of the Metaverse?

How will CyberSecurity jobs be implemented into the creation of the Metaverse? What software, tactics, or strategies would they have to utilize to prevent credential threats, identity theft, ransomware, and other types of social-engineered attacks? How much would they make as a salary? What technologies are currently being used to develop the virtual world, and are these technologies secure enough to not require CyberSecurity?

Acorn Squash Adventures

I’m back squash. I’m not entirely happy to be free writing about you as homework but it helps take my time off of the stressful things in my life and just reflect. What have you been up to? I know you’ve just been sitting on this counter but you might’ve seen the occasional fly or maybe read the title of the magazine next to you. You seem to be healing good from me breaking your stem and still feel quite firm. How much bigger could you have grown if the harvesters didn’t cut you from your vine? An acorn squash is new to me and I don’t know much about you. Maybe you taste as good as a normal squash? I’ll have to find out after this free write. What do you think compliments you? Salt? Maybe olive oil? My times up but I’ll continue talking to you later.


Good evening squash. Today was very uneventful. I watched tennis with my dad and kept thinking how I wish it was you being hit back and forth. Some players could hit the ball 130+ mph! Imagine. You would die if you got hit. Anyways, you remind me of a dreidel. I can spin you on your pointed end for a long time like a fidget toy. Maybe I’ll bring you to all of my classes and spin you to relieve my stress. How does it feel to almost be broken into a ton of pieces? We’ve had some good times together, but I don’t think I can ever write or talk to another inanimate object. I feel like a psycho who is making fake friends with a vegetable. It’s quite relaxing, however. You are a living thing, and I can tell you anything, but all you can do is listen. Farewell My friend.