The Threat of Public Wi-Fi

Bahar Ferguson in his article “Keeping Your Information safe: The dangers of using public Wi-Fi” discusses the different aspects of public Wi-Fi from what harm it does to how to stay protected. He starts off appraising his audience with the fact that hackers are able to very easily access their personal information when using public Wi-Fi. He suggests not execute personal or sensitive tasks such as online purchases, which includes entering one’s credit card number. A solution he gives to anyone that is absolutely in need of it is the use of a VPN. Ferguson also recommends keeping your firewall turned and avoiding the use of public USB charging stations. 

My thesis also focused on the downside of public Wi-Fi and why it’s a problem. This article gave me further insight on my topic. It cleared my question, exactly how easily does public Wifi make our networks vulnerable? Originally, I wasn’t aware of the different implementations we can make while using public Wi-Fi that can keep us a little more secure as compared to if we didn’t use them. The main conclusion that can be derived is to use public Wi-Fi cautiously, know which one’s may be safer than others and always take precautions. Taking these things into consideration, public Wi-Fi, although not being the best resource it is trustable to a point and may be used sparingly comfortably.

Is Public Wifi a Greater Threat than we Think?

What is the biggest advantage of public wifi? What are some of the minor differences between public and private wifi? How vulnerable really is public wifi? How does public wifi relate to exploitation of systems and information? Are their any laws regarding public wifi? Is there a difference between public wifi in schools as compared to a public setting such as a coffee shop?

Distant Dragon Fruit

September 1st 2022

I was very much determined to find a dragon fruit for this task. I went to Giant, Harris Teeter, and even Wegmans but there were none to be found. I looked online and found out Walmart had them. I was shocked by the fact that, out of everywhere, Walmart had them. I’ve never had or seen a dragon fruit before. The reddish pink color and green accents make them quite appealing to the eye. I’m excited to spend my long weekend with this dragon fruit. Also, I decided she’s a girl.


September 8th

So… you may have noticed the gap between this and the last entry. Unfortunately, I tested positive for covid Friday morning, which meant quarantine. I put her in the refrigerator Thursday afternoon in hopes of meeting her Friday, but here we are a week later. I got to see her again today. Honestly, she hasn’t changed much. Other than the fact that her colors have become dull, she’s in great shape. I decided I was going to eat it but because of my loss of taste, I really didn’t taste anything. My family members tell me it taste’s really good though. As excited as I was to hang out with her, we didn’t get to, but that’s ok.


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