Blog Final Tech Post (VAR)

A website I read while researching the topic of the VAR was one that showed me peoples thoughts on the VAR. The website had personal testimonies of not any random people, but actual players. One player from Morocco was extremly against the VAR. He stated that it did not work if they weren’t going to use it every single time. Marcelo, brazilian player, stated that some refs refuse to even use it, and that it cost them a goal. And then finally, Luis Suarez commented that the VAR almost tears down the passion of the game and interrupts plays, although he does think it becomes valuable in hard to tell situations.

It is important to see the opinions of others on a controversial top. that’s why i used this website. The viewpoints of these world renowned players assisted my though processing when writing this paper. Although, outside viewers have their views, you never think of what the players think. With that, I think the players are absolutely correct, the VAR does interrupt plays and is at times not useful. However, the Virtual Assistant referees is an astounding technology that is bound to revolutionize soccer. And with a little bit more tweaking to the rules of the game and the involvement of the VAR, I believe it will make an even bigger impact.

FIFA: Addition of the VAR

How does the VAR affect the Soccer world and how does it make up for referee faults? When was the VAR first introduced? Who invented the VAR? How do referees feel about the VAR? What is the biggest in-game decision that the VAR helped confirmed that otherwise would have gone uncalled.

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Organic Object Entry #1: I brought a peach. I think it’s a really big peach, way larger than other ones. It’s also abnormally round, like a perfect ball. I’d say it’s about the size of a softball, maybe a slight bit smaller. It is a mix of red, orange, and yellow. It feels very smooth and firm. It has small brown patches dispersed randomly around but not that big that it is noticeable from afar. The colors are fairly split, one side seems to be more dominantly red while the other is dominantly yellow, the orange fills the spots where red becomes yellow. From top to bottom, the bottoms seems darker than the top. It also has a dusty kind of look and feel to it.

Organic Object Entry #2: The peach has become all wrinkly and when you hold it, it’s very squishy and soft. It kind of reminds me of when you leave your finger under water for too long. . The smell has intensified, much stronger than it was before, its smells very sweet. The brown spots from before have become larger and the red parts have spread across more, the yellow is now orange. I think it’s ready to cut open.