9/3- I’m looking at this avocado, thinking to myself what is so special about it? What makes it different from the rest of the fruits and vegetables? Well, this isn’t any avocado, it’s a baby avocado. It has an oval shape with a really bumpy texture. It has a dark green exterior that is mushy to the touch. Its features make it easily distinguishable. This avocado can even be identified as #4225.
9/5- Through my days at work, I have been able to distinguish an avocado easily. Once I see it, I know it’s #4225. I can identify it quickly, but what makes it so easily identifiable? Its dark green color and rough surface are its primary features. It feels mushy when squeezing it. It has a weird taste but a very soft and creamy texture. I don’t know if I like the way it tastes. It’s different but I’m not sure if that’s in a good way or a bad way. I would say I like it as guacamole, yet salsa is still better.