2nd Blog Post


This news article, titled “Vertical Farms Expand as Demand for Year-Round Produce Grows”, talked about many points regarding the exponential growth of vertical farms due to technology. The article talked about the versatility of the system and how no specific climate was required to grow any plants with the vertical farming system. The article also touched on how technology negatively affects vertical farming. These technological obstacles include issues like high energy costs, and the ability to scale a vertical farm system. In terms of high energy costs, vertical farms require lots of energy to power high-voltage lights and watering systems. In terms of scaling, vertical farms have struggled to find larger areas to house farms. This also plays a big role in the expensive costs of the systems.

This article truly altered my understanding and approach to my working thesis. I originally wanted to research the ways that technology benefits systems like the auto-irrigation method and vertical farming. However, the information and statistics provided by the article regarding energy-related struggles have made me rethink my analysis. The vertical farming industry is expected to grow by 9.7 billion worldwide by 2026, which shows the growth of the system. But it also demonstrates that with increased worth comes an increased production requirement. The systems are having struggles finding space to house the systems, and technology could affect that if the method is shrunk down to a smaller scale. This is a possible impact of technology that I could research and talk about in my article.

Questions About Research

What is the impact of innovations like the auto-irrigation system or vertical farming on the advancement of environmental engineering? How do those systems benefit the world economically? How do those systems impact food sources in the world? Are those methods creating a better food source with greater accessibility? How will the systems affect our environmental footprint?

I Hate Lemons

Entry #1

A lemon looks so beautiful on the outside. Yellow and vibrant, a smooth texture, you name it. This lemon makes me want to take a bite out of it, but I know it’s true intentions. It wants me to eat it so it can see me write in pain from its sourness and bitterness. Is this lemon some sort of trickster? No matter how ripe it gets, it still remains utterly disgusting if you eat it plain. The lemon sits on this desk, not moving, almost as if it is playing dead. It does this even though it has the power to immobilize a human for a few seconds. I try to think of the good things lemons bring. Maybe cleaning agents, smells, or food flavoring? I think of lemonade, but in the end, lemonade’s flavor is ninety percent sugar. There are not many food sources that house the exact flavor of a lemon other than a lemon itself. This makes it, along with the lime, one of the most unique and original fruits. I still hate lemons though.

Entry #2

Oops. I squished my lemon because it was at the bottom of my backpack. I don’t know if I should be sad or relieved. I think I should be happy since I hate lemons. The lemon looks to have lost some of its elegance from the first day. This is most likely from it aging. I wonder if it tastes even worse now, or if the inside is nasty. What if the lemon has perished? I wish I knew these things, but I do not because I have not cut into the lemon. It hides the inside with its vibrant exterior. I just thought of what a lemon would be like if it were more sweet. It would definitely be one of the most popular fruits to directly eat, alongside apples. Oh well, not like it matters anyways, since my mom is going to use it for dinner.

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