Using Online Resources to Cheat

I read an article titled “The Role of Homework in the Age of Photomath and Chegg” on eMATHinstruction. This article explained how there are so many ways a student could cheat. It questioned whether homework should be graded on accuracy or completion. In addition, the article explained how some students use the teacher keys they find online to cheat. This website, that was supposed to be helpful to teachers, is now being used the wrong ways. It is difficult to get these resources in the hands of teachers without complicating it. Without setting down so many limitations anyone with a credit card can buy the answer keys. Students are finding the answers online to get the homework down faster.

This article adds to the idea that cell phone apps and online resources may be limiting a students understanding. Using these apps for completing homework, which is supposed to be practice before assessments, doesn’t help a student as much. For instance, if a student is struggling with a math question or worksheet and they look it up online, what are they gaining? Yeah they get the right answers and might get a good grade on that assignment. However, that good grade isn’t what the goal of educators is. The goal is to teach a student so they an apply that information all throughout their life. Obtaining answer keys and using apps isn’t helping students reach that goal.

Technology’s Influence on Students Learning

Is technology helpful for students or harmful? Do students use apps like, mathway, photomath, etc. just to give them the answers? Do students use technology to better understand a topic? How often do students look up the answer and move on without understanding? Does technology provide students with shortcuts that aid their learning? Is the use of technology just limiting students skills?

Little Acorn Squash

Entry #1

The first thing that caught my attention about this squash was its unique shape. Most squash tend to be shaped similar to a pear, but this squash was shaped like an acorn! Besides this one yellow spot, the acorn squash is a pine green. It feels smooth and resembles a pumpkin. I didn’t just pick this specific acorn squash because of its perfect acorn shape. Although it has the perfect shape, this acorn squash isn’t all perfect! It has some imperfections just like anyone does. It has some scrapes, scatches, dents, and tiny lighter green dots all over it. The green dots stand out to me now and they remind me of my freckles. My freckles are similar to those dots because not everyone would notice them. People don’t usually pay attention to my freckles, unless I mention them or they are observing me closely. I only just now noticed this acorn squashes freckles because of how closely I was observing it! In that way my acorn squash and I have something in common.

Entry #2

This is the last time I see my acorn squash as a whole! Its color has changed and now the whole squash is a lighter shade of green. I am about to cut the squash open and I hope it doesn’t smell weird! It was tough to cut since its skin was so thick but I did it. Inside it is a bright orange with some yellow on the edges. It smells and looks like the inside of a pumpkin!  This squash is making me realize how excited I am for pumpkin carving. My brother says he wants to take a bite, yuck! According to him, the acorn squash had a taste similar to Cantaloupe but really dry. It is time to say goodbye to this squash! In the trash you go little acorn!