Second Blog Post – Interview

Part 1- I interviewed my cheer coach, Sienna Culp in person after practice. Source: I took notes on her responses, but I did not record the conversation on my phone. She works for Hilton and has worked in the marketing industry for over 3 years. She markets for Hilton’s ad campaigns. Over the past few years, she has expressed the ups and downs of her job to our team, but has never gone into detail about how her job works. I was happy to take on an interview and find out characteristics that apply to my project. The first question I asked was how technology has improved her job in a positive manner. She expresses “That’s a hard question because I feel like I’ve never experienced work without technology”. “I don’t think I can do my job without technology because I make print ad’s and campaigns using my computer. “If i didn’t have technology, I would have to hand make these print ad’s and I wouldn’t be able to send it out to a mass population”. She also expresses “I’m able to work at home when I am not able to make it to work in person which is beneficial”. On the flip side, she expresses how technology can sometimes be frustrating. “When the wifi crashes, I have no ability to finish up my job since it’s all online”. Lastly, she expresses “It can be difficult to learn a new software” but that “Practice makes perfect”. 


Part 2-


This painting I found called “Leonard Marketing” relates to my question of how marketing relates to technology. As you can see in the painting, there are busses and train stations created by technology. This helps people transport and come to a common ground to promote their business and create unity between us. Technology is used to encourage, retain, and engage customers. Marketing helps people and their marketing team more effectively create, execute and measure the success of marketing assets and effort. The union of people in this painting is expressing how technology can better the sales of peoples product and the flexibility of having technology. 

Link to painting (Source)-

Marketing & Technology (Blog post #1)

Has technology helped people in the marketing industry? What are the downfalls of technology? What is something technology has significantly changed in the marketing industry? What jobs have been created because of technology in the marketing industry? What are the statistics in 2005 compared to 2021 with the rise of jobs due to technology?

When Life Gives You Lemons………

Entry 1 – I have had many past memories regarding lemons. Everytime I am bored at work, I eat a slice of lemon to wake me up. Even though my co-workers think it’s weird, I have always enjoyed the process of cutting a lemon into slices and then eating it. First, I peel the skin off, then I eat each slice individually. I have been doing this since I was a kid. Lemon’s are cool because of the bright zesty lemon color with somewhat a green tint. Lemons are good to put in water to not only add flavor, but also give you crucial vitamins to help boost your immune system. Lemon’s are also good for your skin.


Entry 2- As the days go on, my lemon is getting more and more ripe. I made sure to pick out the most green lemon so that it doesn’t rot in my backpack. Lemon’s remind me of the quote “When life gives you lemons… you make lemonade”. If you know me, you know I’m full of motivational quotes. I find lemons inspiring because they’re sour but also a happy yellow color. I am sure I will end up eating this lemon. People will call me weird for it but I don’t care. Only downfall of eating lemons is that it has a lot of acid.

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