Mens Volleyball Pt 2

I have been doing research, and I came across a problem. I tried as hard as I could to get the NOVA databases to work and they just could not find the thing I was looking for. I am happy that Mr.Stephens was cool with me not having to use the NOVA resources as he saw me research for 30 minutes. I am still currently looking for resources but found some really interesting articles about men’s volleyball around the country. I cannot wait to do more research on this because I want to know what reasons the county has to not fund a men’s volleyball program

Mens Volleyball in High schools

Why is men’s volleyball not treated the same as women’s volleyball in high school in VA?

Why do schools decide to not put in the resources they have or split the resources for mens and women’s volleyball in high school so guys can have the same opportunities as the girls. 

What causes the rift of men’s and women’s volleyball in high schools in the first place?

Why are counties so against supplying this for students?

Fruity Moment

  1. It has been four days and the strawberry is now thrown out it was nasty. I think not washing it was a very dumb idea. I really only did it because I had to, I regret it.
  2. I got to four days into my fruit before it died. It got so bad I do not think a raccoon could or would eat it. I think that when the color changed I knew I had to throw it out. It turned a gross color that would cause anybody to hurl. I think this assignment showed how much I did not like describing things via present thought and quick thinking.