News Article: Automated IV pumps

Terrence Shenfield posted an article on LinkedIn talking about automated IV pumps. In this article he explains how automated IV pumps work and the benefits. Automated IV pumps are made to help nurses and doctors in the medical field by giving the proper volume of IV fluids to the patient with better accuracy and without the need for constant check-ups. Shenfield then talks about how automated IV will lead to a decrease in errors since they are used to discharge the right amount of fluid. This will be a safer option in hospitals and clinics. Automated IV pumps also comes with many risks that healthcare workers are worried about.

Will having automated IV pumps in the medical field be beneficial for patients? It’s beneficial because it gives the right amount of fluid to the patient while also helping out nurses and doctors by saving time. Automated IV pumps will be a smart investment because nurses won’t feel overwhelmed with all their other workload. This source can help me and other people. It helps by explaining how automated Iv pumps work and how they are beneficial in the medical field while providing more information. There are many statistics and data in the article which puts it in perspective of how many IV pumps work and how many don’t work.

Hanna’s Lemon

Entry #1

It was bright yellow when I picked it out. It seemed happy to be picked. The lemon’s shape is very round. As the day went on, my lemon was losing some color. It’s color darkened which made me think it was sad. My lemon wasn’t very firm anymore, it was more soft when I started writing my entry. My lemon also has some wrinkles almost like the wrinkles you get on your hands from being in the water for too long.

Entry #2

My lemon is very squishy. It doesn’t really have a shape anymore. I can tell it’s getting old because of its color. My lemon has some darker spots almost like sun spots. It also smells bad.