Part 1: I interviewed Mrs friedman, teacher a heritage high school. She teaches Marketing, a class where we learn about the real world, and learn that marketing is all around us whether we are buying or selling products, or its being advertised to us. When i interviewed her, she had a lot to say about how technology affects children so much. She has 2 kids who are both very young, she doesn’t believe that children should get technology so young. Friedman said “technology is affecting the lives of children everyday without many parents noticing.” She thinks that because of covid, parents got children technology to keep them busy, causing many problems with not only mental health but physical too. Children aren’t getting the right education anymore, using technology to learn, not knowing how to write, spell, or read. Children are using chromebooks at the beginning of elementary school, which is way to learn, and them don’t even know the basic things like reading. Friedman said “as the generation keeps getting younger the technology is being handed to them younger age each year.” She also believes that children are being exposed to technology in important ways, everything is on the internet and can be seen. Children should not be knowing about certain inappropriate things at such a young age.
Part 2: This photo represents life before kids having technology. It was painted in 1990 when kids were not being torn apart by technology and distracted by it. They are dressed in those outfits to represent how it’s considered “old” to not be around technology because of how normalized it is. As you can see, everyone in the picture is happy and enjoying eachothers company’s while nowadays kids are sitting with their technology and not interacting with each other. This is an upcoming problem because kids are now going to lose their social skills and not be as successful with making friends and having core relationships.
I love the explanation of the painting that was inserted. You described how it relates to marketing in a clever way. Also, Mrs. Friedman was an awesome source because she is experience the downfall of technology with her kids.
This was so cool to read. I agree with what Mrs. Friedman said about technology. She clearly knows her stuff! Crazy to think what life would be like without technology, just like your picture. Do you think there should be a universal set age for people to get technology?
I love that you interviewed Mrs. Friedman as she’s the marketing teacher here she has to use technology a lot and for her to say that kids shouldn’t have technology at a young age truly shows how it’s affecting our youth. I also didn’t know kids are beginning to use chromebooks in elementary school and I agree on that being way to young of an age.
Alex, I think it is so cool how you interviewed someone at Heritage to give first hand account on the effect of technology on children. That was so creative! I also love how instead of using some janky, boring, online source you used a painting that visually demonstrates your opinion on the topic 😀
I love how you interviewed a teacher about this, and since she has kids she gave you a real answer as she sees the problem firsthand. I also really loved the picture you used, it relates to your topic and your problem.
I think Ms. Friedman is a great first hand source. She has young kids and works with older kids and can see how technology affects us as we get older. I agree that technology shouldn’t be available to kids at such a young age.
Alex, I absolutely love how you interviewed Mrs.Friedman. She is a great source for what you are researching, and it is right in front of you. I like how you gave two sources one online and one in person and in real life time.
This was a very interesting interview with Mrs. Friedman. I am intrigued that you were able to pull her side of the story and you were able to get her point of view of using technology in the classroom. As a marketing teacher technology is used in the everyday life and I believe she is the best person to ask how it affects the students and kids in high school.