The Life of a Mango

9/1- The mango is so colorful but it’s a weird shape, almost like an oval, it has a bunch of little dots kinda like a sponge, a lot of people has a phobia of little holes, so i don’t know if they would like this mango. It has a ugly brown thingy at the top, wait this might not be a mango, it doesn’t say mango it says urapa at the top, now i’m confused. Oh wait it is a mango i just looked it up, that was just the brand. it has red, yellow, orange, and green colors, in ombre form. I used to love ombreys, i would love to draw them.

9/5- The mango is starting to turn almost like brown but still has the pretty colors. It’s very squishy which is really weird. Its like how kids have fidget toys in school to help the focus, it kinda feels like that, everytime i squish it a hole becomes in it which is kinda gross, it smells really good but i don’t know if it would be good to eat because of the brown and how squishy it is, its kinda concerning.

5 thoughts on “The Life of a Mango

  1. That’s a big difference between day 1 and day 5! I love the fidget-toy comparison, which burst for me when you said that to squeeze it is to put holes in it. But it was a cool experience watching that comparison disappear . . .

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