Technology on Chess #2

This article describes the evolution that chess has undergone as a byproduct of the introduction of various technological advances. Starting from its origins, the article goes over the various variations chess has gone through with the roles of pieces changing throughout its ancient history. Then, the new era of chess is described as starting in 1985 with the reigning world champion playing a machine and “finding himself in trouble” during some of the games. The impact of the machines on the future of chess and how the introduction of online teaching and machines being able to identify the best moves immediately, opens up the opportunity for players all across the world to learn the game extremely quickly.

This article helps me explore my question of technology of whether the introduction of technology into chess is a positive for the game. Josh Hoffert, the author of the article, mainly advocates that this new technology is a positive because it has expanded the reach of chess as anyone with the internet can learn the game of chess now, despite acknowledging that cheating has increased with the new technology. Hoffert comments about the millions of games in open chess databases that can be analyzed to understand the game better. While top players use this, the impact on future generations is yet to be seen as kids are able to learn chess at a younger age and much faster pace.

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5 thoughts on “Technology on Chess #2

  1. Zac, really cool article! Something I saw not to long ago in the news is about how someone in a professional chess tournament was able to cheat using foot movements? I think – not completely sure. The foot movements entered the moves into a chess calculator and was able to give the player the best moves. It might be an article worth looking into to support your argument for real life applications. Overall, really nice article and reaction.

  2. Kinda scary and cool at the sametime. As tech gets to be more advanced in some ways it feels like it could take over. In this case it could have a check mate on the culture and overall game of chess (sorry for the bad joke). After reading this article and your reaction, could this mean that their would be another new era of chess? Maybe that would be something to look into when your writing your paper. All in all a great topic!

  3. I really enjoyed reading this topic as I find Chess quite interesting. I liked how you researched about Hoffert and “dug deep” about the effects technology has on chess. It is also very interesting how young kids are beginning to pick up on the game of chess more. Great Topic Zac!

  4. Very interesting topic you chose Zac. I think it is cool how through the new technology younger kids are not only learning chess, but are progressing at a faster pace. Even though Hoffert points out how cheating has increased because of the technology expansion, I do not think that it is not a necessarily a bad thing. For example, it could help players improve their abilities by considering unconventional openings or setups people typically do not consider. Overall, I reading your topic!

  5. I like how you are exploring whether technology has had a positive or negative impact on chess. The difficulty algorithms definitely make it a good teaching tool for a player of any experience level. It would be interesting to research how learning from a computer might affect someone’s skill compared to someone who learned from another person.

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