Mens Volleyball Pt 2

I have been doing research, and I came across a problem. I tried as hard as I could to get the NOVA databases to work and they just could not find the thing I was looking for. I am happy that Mr.Stephens was cool with me not having to use the NOVA resources as he saw me research for 30 minutes. I am still currently looking for resources but found some really interesting articles about men’s volleyball around the country. I cannot wait to do more research on this because I want to know what reasons the county has to not fund a men’s volleyball program

2 thoughts on “Mens Volleyball Pt 2

  1. I think it’s interesting that men’s volleyball is less popular than women’s volleyball. Typically men dominate the sports industry so I find it fascinating that this is not the case for volleyball. Is this the case for all of volleyball or is this mainly just for high school athletes? Is there a reason that men’s volleyball is less popular? Are men deterred from playing because they believe it’s a feminine sport and don’t wish to associate with that? I would imagine that the reason men’s volleyball isn’t offered as frequently as women’s is because there’s a lack of men wanting to play. It would be interesting to see some insight as to why that is. Can’t wait to see what you come up with! 🙂

  2. Great job Rory! I look forward to hearing more. I am curious as well as to why the county is dismissing men’s volleyball and whether or not is is the same for women’s volleyball. If so, why? If not, is there a prominent bias? Why would that be? I look forward to learning these answers and I can’t wait to read the full essay! Nice job!

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