The news article Honoring Our Soil: Hue Parakore, provides insight into the indigenous side to my topic. The article interviews a Dr. Jessica Hutchings who is a decolonizing researcher in New Zealand. She works in the areas of Maori food sovereignty and security, property rights for indigenous peoples, and restoring the environment of Aotearoa (an […]
Scientific Preservation vs. Indigenous Preservation Practices
Which way is the right way for taking care of Earth? Can we incorporate methods from both preservation practices to take care of Earth? What is the current environmental state of Earth? Is urgent action need to prevent disasters from happening? When did the threat of Climate Change originate? Who is affected by Climate Change?
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The Kiwi Experience
Entry 1: This kiwi is hairy. It’s strange to me that a fruit would have hair. Does it need to stay warm? I think they’re grown in warm places though. I wonder what it looks like when it’s shaved. A bald kiwi. Maybe I’ll shave this one. If I can that is. It has green […]