9/8 I don’t know what to say about you, I mean you are a fig. I’m not entirely sure why I picked you up at the store but you struck my eye sight. I mean, who would just eat you plain. As I was walking through the store with you, I’m sure people were looking at me weird. I mean I picked you up and put you in a plastic bag and walked to the checkout line, like I was following the herd to eat. As the lines become smaller, I am next in line and the cashier is looking me up and down probably wondering why I picked you and only have you in my hand. A fig, I haven’t named you yet but i’m sure I will, your outside looks like a pretty velvety flower or a Gynura aurantiaca. Your outside may be purple and velvety but the inside is white with red seeds. You are sweet almost like honey. I’m running out of things to say, but next time I will say more.
9/9 WELL, I had my fig for 3 days but I did end up eating it and trying it with my mom. Now i need to go to my dad’s house and have him try it with me. I have mixed feelings about my fig. I miss seeing him. I made him a little life. I pretended he had a life, I made up stories for him. I pretended to make up what he eat for breakfast and what he did during the day while I was at school and he was home. He would watch tv and snack all day, binge on a new show. I love greys anatomy, but lately it hasn’t been that good, but one day I came home and he was bingeing the upcoming episodes and I immediately walked to the couch and sat down and watched with him. By the way his name is freddie. It’s the best one I could come up with, but in the end he lived a good life, I think.