The news article I selected tells us the story a florida girl went through and how the dress code effected her. Along with other schools dress code and how organizations and people are taking it to court about how it is not right. It stated how one school does not allow girls to wear pants or shorts, which is considered discriminatory. Another school had a faculty member edit the girls outfits on the school yearbook, but yet they left the boys swim team outfit alone. Which brings to light that its not the outfits that is the problem,  but the over sexualization of womans bodies.


This article really showed me how big of a problem this is and how places everywhere are doing it. How some schools do not account for the weather or for peoples comfort, but rather what they deem as distracting or inappropriate. Some feel that the dress code is not keeping up with how society is now a days. The new article states “They reflect traditional patriarchal notions of femininity and ‘modesty’ regarding girls and how they should dress”, which really shows how times have changed  and the dress codes are not keeping up with it. The dress codes focus on the bodies of people rather than what they are actually wearing.

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