
Category: Uncategorized

Niche Internet Micro Celebrities

I found and read a Washington Post article about niche internet micro celebrities.  A niche internet micro celebrity is somebody who has a small but cult-like following on a particular social media platform. They often have a backstory, lore, or inside jokes with their followers that. Unlike a traditional “influencer” these people don’t do social media as a job and they do it solely for entertainment. This article interviews some of these micro celebrities and explains how they accidentally found fame.  It explains how the creator world is shifting from being made up of large creators to containing a lot more of these micro celebrities.

This article was extremely helpful when it came to answering my question.  I had been having a hard time finding research that related to my first thesis: the internet is changing how we as a society perceive celebrities. This article helped me refocus my thesis by explaining an aspect of celebrity culture fueled by the internet that I had not previously thought about. I thought about if it was a matter of how we are perceiving celebrities or if it is a matter of celebrity culture as a whole.  It lead me to want to change my thesis to address the effects of the internet on celebrity culture as a whole.

Thinking and Researching

Has the internet changed the way we perceive celebrities? Do we feel like we are closer and could almost be “friends” with a celebrity due to the excess of information we can find about them online? Are parasocial relationships harmful or helpful? Would there be fandoms without the internet? Could social media celebrities ever be considered “A List” celebrities?

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I am not Fond of Golden Kiwis

Saturday, September 3rd 10:45 am

I brought my fruit to work today. I plan on eating it. I’m a lifeguard and I work at a pool, well actually about 5 different pools. I’m working at the pool in the neighborhood I used to live in. It is nostalgic even though the pool has been remodeled since I lived here. I am so tired of my job. I have to be at the pool from 10:30am to 10pm. I didn’t cut my fruit before I brought it so I bought a paring knife to work. I don’t know how legal that is but I’m sure it will be ok. The fruit has a small soft spot on it and maybe it will get bigger by the time I eat it. I don’t like when fruit starts to get bad and it gets all soft and brown and mealy it makes me sad. The fruit was so perfect and ripe at some point but it was forgotten and now it is left to sit and rot until it meets the end. Thankfully most of my Kiwi is okay.

Saturday, September 3rd 4:00pm

I just cut open my kiwi and now I’m eating it. It is alright. I prefer regular green kiwis. It makes the tip of my tongue tingle like the carbonation in soda. I dropped a piece of it on my keyboard, but it’s okay because my Chromebook is reaching the end of its life anyway. It’s sluggishness is getting bothersome. My manager has been crying since 12 after she took a phone call. I hope she’s ok. I don’t want to start questioning her if she’s going through it. She’s trying to hide her sadness but it isn’t really working. It’s the kind of sadness that you can’t hide. Just like a kiwi can’t hide the rotting flesh beneath its skin. Kiwi seeds look like frog eggs. They have a clear jelly flesh coating like a frog egg. I don’t think they taste like frog eggs but then again I’ve never eaten a frog egg.

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