Author: Luke

How will electronic umpires impact the game of baseball?

Will the implementation of electronic strike zones in Major League Baseball positively impact America’s pastime? How would umpires feel about this? Does this take away the factor of human error in the game? Why would people want this? What are the downsides to something like this? Do the players or coaches have any say in this decision? And how do they feel about it? How soon will this be introduced?

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Fruit? Vegetable? Acorn Squash.

Entry 1

The acorn squash. Such an odd… vegetable? Or is it a fruit? Not sure. The colors remind me of fall and the orange splotch tells me that pumpkins may grow near. And the bumps. I keep wondering how those grow. Where do acorn squash come from? Do you throw an acorn and a squash into a hole and call it a day? Who knows? Are acorn squash edible? I’ve never heard of it being in any recipes and I’ve definitely never eaten one on its own. The shape definitely resembles an acorn. Does that mean it tastes like squash? Couldn’t tell you. I doubt people actually eat these, anyways.

Entry 2

I’m back. Sitting in my basement with this odd vegetable. I still haven’t done any research on this thing. It’s quite heavy. I still wonder how it grows to be this shape and color. Are they native to the US? If only this thing could talk. I imagine it having a somewhat masculine voice with an eccentric personality. I plan on cutting this thing open once we’re done writing about them. The stem seems to have been cut. Do acorn squash grow on vines? This orange splotch is still throwing me off. Where did it come from? I feel like this thing is older than I may think it is.

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