Liz’s Sweet Tamarind

Getting to know my tamarind (09/02/2022)

I just opened the box of these sweet tamarinds. To be completely honest when I went to the grocery store a couple days ago I wasn’t 100% sure If I was going to buy them; however, I did because they looked quite interesting. After all, I did need to purchase an organic object for my English class. On the other side, I’m looking at the tamarind in this precise moment and all I can say is that the tamarind is definitely not matching my current mood because I feel great about myself, determined to finish my schoolwork, and to listen to music all night afterwards. On the other hand, I’m trying to find the interesting side of this organic object. She seems quiet, reserved and loyal, shall I say that I can relate to this description. The tamarind is hard on it’s exterior, also rough but somehow smooth and soft; this tamarind seems to be full on it’s interior. Then again, I’m only observing on the outside while not on the inside. Is it full of secrets? What could there be of intriguing on the inside? I guess that’s how it is with people sometimes. What I care to elaborate is that, as people we can’t expect to know others from the moment we first meet them. Which is why It’s vital to get to know people before developing any assumptions that don’t relate to that person.

Coming back to observing the exterior appearance of the sweet tamarind, I can tell that it looks opaque and hidden due to the poor lighting in this room since it is currently 8:34pm. It’s hard to tell how damaged it is; however, I can still notice the dark line around it. Comparing this context to people,  I can add that some people might not appear to be damaged since they don’t seem vulnerable but is it very surprising the amount of people that allow themselves to be vulnerable with other, it is they’re choice after all.

My last day with her (09/06/2022)

I lost track of how many days I’ve spent with my sweet tamarind; however, I feel like it’s been with me since forever. Because I wasn’t completely careful with my sweet tamarind, I find her hurt in this precise moment. On the other side, I can finally see the inside of this fruit. Because of my lack of care, the shell/outside of my sweet tamarind is exposed but it does allow me to see what is on the interior of this sweet fruit. To illustrate, this sweet tamarind has pieces of fruit, some roots, and slight emptiness on the inside. This sweet tamarind is easily broken into pieces, very fragile. I can compare her to me actually because I consider myself being a sensitive person that is also trusting. I can mention that you can earn my trust easily; however, it’s even easier to lose it; I feel like that’s how it can be with other people as well. It is not as challenging to ean trust but it is to disappoint, however. After the journey I’ve shared with my sweet tamarind, I can say that the time I’ve spent with her has given me a different perspective to perceive things, life being one of them. My sweet tamarind is lying on my bed, torn into tiny little pieces; she looks even more fragile than she ever was. She is vulnerable and exposed.


3 thoughts on “Liz’s Sweet Tamarind

  1. Wow! I love the way you personified it, then compared it to something hiding a secret. It’s interesting to me that you jumped into the more subjective bit of describing it before describing its physical appearance. Great job!

  2. This entry stood out to me, because it’s a great combination of personalization and valuable lessons. As the entry goes on, the tamarind is shown to be like a friend of yours. I could really tell how connected you were to it due to all the comparisons you found in yourself through it. I was also impressed by how many lessons you could pull out from from a simple tamarind.

  3. Liz, your thoughtful approach to your tamarind characterizes you (I think) as observant and yet goal-oriented. I like your reflections on human nature that the fruit’s features trigger. I like the self-consciousness and description you combine here: “Because of my lack of care, the shell/outside of my sweet tamarind is exposed but it does allow me to see what is on the interior of this sweet fruit. To illustrate, this sweet tamarind has pieces of fruit, some roots, and slight emptiness on the inside.” Very well done.

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