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Entry 1 (9/1/2022)
This artichoke looks pretty unique compared to other organic entities I could have selected. It’s very sharp, though, as I pricked myself with it once or twice while putting it in my backpack. I wonder how much those sharp edges actually protect it in nature, though, because the points are rather small. This artichoke almost looks like a strawberry, just with a green color on the main body instead of the red of a strawberry. You can learn a lot about evolution from observing this artichoke. Unfortunately, the artichoke is already beginning to lose some of its green color; the emerging shade of brown gives it a more solemn look, as if it needs my help in maintaining its health. I hope the artichoke can prevail for a long time.
Entry 3 (9/6/2022)
The artichoke sadly has more brown on it then before. Also, I can even observe some purple forming near the base of the stem. This is so tragic; I wish there was a way for me to nurture it back to full health. It would surely be amazing if we started making medicine for plants. I don’t think I’d be able to do that in time to save this particular artichoke, however. I’m not sure, but this could be my last day documenting this artichoke. If that is the case, I will definitely miss the spiky, green delicacy that has aided me greatly with my academic endeavors. I hope this artichoke has led me to become a better College Composition student; for now, it is too early to tell.