Entry #1
It was bright yellow when I picked it out. It seemed happy to be picked. The lemon’s shape is very round. As the day went on, my lemon was losing some color. It’s color darkened which made me think it was sad. My lemon wasn’t very firm anymore, it was more soft when I started writing my entry. My lemon also has some wrinkles almost like the wrinkles you get on your hands from being in the water for too long.
Entry #2
My lemon is very squishy. It doesn’t really have a shape anymore. I can tell it’s getting old because of its color. My lemon has some darker spots almost like sun spots. It also smells bad.
Well great start, I think the entries were never descriptive and had lots of strong words. The comparison from yellow to being happy is something that I think about a love. Such as, colors are what help to portray what mood you are in.
thank you mia
Although i disagree with the shaming of the lemon, I can tell you put care into picking out the lemon and bonding with it. I like the way you used the five senses to describe your lemon and wrote down your observations and what conclusions you drew from those observations.
thank you francis
I love that your post had very detailed descriptions about the lemon. For example, I really liked your simile that compared the lemon to the a person’s wrinkles from going in the water. This simile helped me to picture what your lemon really looked like.
Thank you
I like the descriptions you used to express a visual of the lemon. Even though I have seen many lemons, and none were too dark, I feel like I can really visualize your dark, old, depressed lemon sitting right in front of me. In the future, I think you should use the descriptions you found when analyzing the lemon, to make a deeper connection between your life and the lemon.
This is a great simile: “My lemon also has some wrinkles almost like the wrinkles you get on your hands from being in the water for too long.” That lemon really aged. I eat at least one lemon every day, and it surprises me that a bag of lemons usually starts to go bad towards the end. I refrigerate them and all . . .