My Yummy Yame

Organic Entry #1: This vegetable is called a Yame (yah-meh). It is from Costa Rica. It looks like a potato, but has a little stubble at the top of it. It also has little hairs and flakes sticking out of it. It kinda has a weird smell. I wonder how long I could keep this out until it rots. It has these little wrinkles that course through the yame. I peeled a little of the first layer off and its like hard and yellow inside. It has a little dent on the side of it. it kinda reminds me of a dented car. The yame fits well in my hand, however, it leaves sort of a crusted residue feeling behind my hand.

Organic Entry #2: This yame caught my eye when I first bought it at the grocery store. It reminded me of a potato. It is brown and shaped perfectly like a potato. I don’t know what else to say it just looks so cool. The yame reminds me of my friend Aaron rough and hard looking on the outside. I don’t know why but the yame is just such a cool guy. I wonder how old it is. If I were to guess, I would say 26 years old. It just looks like an adult.

6 thoughts on “My Yummy Yame

  1. I really enjoy the connection you have with your yame. I also think its quite funny how you view the yame as an adult and your humor by relating it with your friend!

  2. I like how you make connections with the yam being like a dented car. Also very descriptive you could describe it to someone who has never seen a yam n they would know what ur saying!

  3. I love the idea of the yame in people years. 26: strong and finally mature. It sounds like you have grown to respect the yame, which is what First Nations peoples learned from close association with nature (I’m just learning about this). Here’s my favorite part from your description: “It looks like a potato, but has a little stubble at the top of it. It also has little hairs and flakes sticking out of it.” Nice work.

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