Charismatic Chayote Sqaush

Entry 1: The Chayote Squash is a weird green blob.  I saw it this morning sitting in a basket in Wegmans, it looked wrinkley and like a pear.  But it’s not a pear, it’s a mix between a cucumber, zucchini, and dragon fruit.  I will never eat it but I bought it because it looked fun.  It has this weird crease at the bottom and top. It also has juice coming out of it wich makes it look even more gross.

Entry 2: I know my Chayote squash will rot soon but I don’t think I will ever cut it open.  It’s sad that the squash will no longer be eaten and gone to waste.  I’m still definitly not going to eat it.  I was wondering if I dropped the squash in the lake if it would get slimey, split open, or remain the same.  Maybe I should try it!

Entry 3:I didn’t drop it in the lake.  Mostly because I spent $1.26 on it.  Then maybe I should try eating it.  Organic food prices have shot up.  I also took a polaroid of my squash to remeber this occasion.  Maybe I will finally throw it away or cut it open tonight.

4 thoughts on “Charismatic Chayote Sqaush

  1. I like the way you decided to give the chayote squash a second chance after not throwing it in the lake, and doing something else with it since you spent $1.26 on it. I also thought you were very descriptive on the appearance of you fruit to better illustrate the way it looked.

  2. I like how yours is like a story of events put together. I also agree with you that I will not eat mine either because it could go bad before I get the chance to.

  3. I like the way you described the appearance of your fruit in the first entry, and how you won’t eat it because it looks fun. I also liked how you were thinking of throwing it in the lake, it was funny. I am glad you gave it a second chance.

  4. These specifics — The $1.26 and the Polariod — are the kind of details that somehow matter. As for the squash itself, the crease and the resemblance to other exotic fruit are the kind of details that characterize. Well done.

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