Back with the pepino, it hasn’t changed since last time though. While it may be unchanged, I have changed. Because I am a human, not a fruit. I read over my last entry. It was pretty bland. Hopefully when I finally get to eat the pepino it isn’t bland. Maybe if I write more interestingly, the fruit will taste better. The pepino hsa built up condensation from sitting in my fridge. I don’t know if it is supposed to be refrigerated, but I put it there because it felt right. If my pepino was a person would it enjoy being in there? It probably wouldn’t because it is cold and dark. Like a night in December. I don’t like the winters. Baseball isn’t being played. Days are shorter. The weather is uncomfortable.
I cut into and ate the pepino today. It tasted like a cucumber. That was strange to me because a pepino is a melon and a cucumber is not. A cucumber is a vegetable. I would say it was not worth waiting a week to eat the pepino. Definitely not going to buy another one. Poor pepino. But at least I gave it a chance. Just like that corn kid on TikTok. “Not everyone needs to like it just try it.” I think that that is true for more things in life than just fruits and vegetables. Try new things. You may discover something great. If not, you wasted maybe a couple minutes or a few taste buds. This free writing process is new to me. I am open and committed to trying it. Even if I am forced to for a grade. I don’t know if I will fully get something from this. Most times my hand hurts and I feel like I wrote nothing. Maybe my hand hurts because I hold my pencil incorrectly. My first grade teacher told me that. But even then I was too stubborn to change it.
I like how you added some humor in mentioning, “the corn kid on tiktok”.
Thank you 859148 for commenting on my post!
I love how you stated “try new things” in your second free write. It displays that you’ve reflected on yourself and learned a lesson from your melon. I also like how you’ve developed the tone to be sorrowful by saying “poor pepino”, and “at least I gave it a chance”. This allows the reader to feel the vulnerable side of the writer and reach out to the reader’s emotions.
Thank you Ryan for commenting on my post and taking a moment to dive deep into the meaning and emotions.
I like how you mentioned how fruits change and how humans change. Stating that the inside of the fridge is like a December night was a great comparison in the entry.
Thank you Jack for commenting and thanks for the compliment on my comparison!
I liked the analogy of how both fruits and vegetables change, just as much as we do. I thought that was very inspiring and thought-engaging. I really enjoy watching the writing you can do. Also I have never heard of a pepino before so it was great to learn about it.
Thank you for commenting Connor, I appreciate it!
Hey Colin! I really enjoyed your pepino post! I like how you mentioned that everyone should try new things, it’s a great message that everyone should follow. Also, i find it pretty funny that you say the pepino tasted like a cucumber because cucumber is spanish is pepino! I’m also really open to give this free-writing a try. It seems fun in a way, even when you feel like you wrote nothing.
Thank you for the comment Alessander! Also, thank you for teaching me that pepino means cucumber in spanish. I think that is very cool!
I liked how you commented on trying new things in you second part. This assignment was very weird for me. By the end of it I was happy to try doing so. I hope that in the future more people would like to try new things like what this report was to students taking DE english.
Thanks for the comment Mahad!
There’s a theme here of trying new things. I love how the post ends: “I don’t know if I will fully get something from this. Most times my hand hurts and I feel like I wrote nothing. Maybe my hand hurts because I hold my pencil incorrectly. My first grade teacher told me that. But even then I was too stubborn to change it.” You may or may not have gotten something from doing this exercise, but I got something out of reading your exercise. Your self-consciousness in these paragraphs makes for great subjective description.
Thanks for the comment Mr. Stephens. I guess I did get something out of this exercise.