This article really made some key points in some of the differences between the way men and women are portrayed in athletics throughout the media. The article highlights the fact that women are often seen as, well, women in the media before they are viewed as athletes. In commercials, for example, male athletes are always […]
Author: Ayanna
Thesis Based Questions
Does social media play a role in promoting men’s sports over women’s? How much more attention do men receive for the sports over women? How does social media impact ticket sales and prices for men’s games over women’s? How do collegiate/professional female athletes feel about the amount of promotion given to men’s sports vs. women’s?
I Forgot My Zucchini For the First Entry, So I Wrote About a Scallion. (Zucchini Included Later)
Entry One A scallion is sitting and staring at me on my desk. Its long, finger-like top and its hairy, fringed bottom. It’s kind of grimy because the bottom always looks and feels wet. It also smells like grass, but it makes for a pretty nice flavor mixed with other foods. The color is like […]
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