In the field of Dietetics, numerous advanced technologies are being created to help dietetics create balanced diet plans. They use their genetic information, physical activity, and diet to determine the chronic diseases that are present and how their diet could help maintain these diseases from spreading. The main source being researched is precision nutrition because it creates a manageable diet plan for individuals that are specific to their genetics, amount of physical activity, and their goals. With precision nutrition uses the individuals information and determines how their body reacts to certain foods to figure out their personalized diet plan that would benefit their health. The advanced technologies can be simplistic, so customers could wear or use the technology. It allows the dietitians to determine the information easily. It opens up new opportunities for researchers to access information that could prevent diseases from occurring.
This information could help me expand my thesis and provide an example of the new technology in the major of Dietetics. This article provides information on what precision nutrition is and how it can use people’s information to detect diseases. The simplistic technology can motivate customers to use them because they can be attached to create a balanced diet that is right for them. I could use this information to expand on how different varieties of technologies are using genetic information to help researchers find the best solution. It changes the question by increasing my knowledge on the various technologies that can determine the chronic diseases present. I can use the information to figure out which new technology is the most beneficial and used the most in the field of Dietetics.
I thought the way you explained your topic was amazing. It was a nice introduction to people who have zero clue what dietetics is. The way you focus on your topic of precision nutrition by explaining it thoroughly was great. I look forward to reading your essay!
Audrey what an informative topic! personally I enjoy the concept of dietetics and hope to be able to use this new tech in the future. This could really help society eat better and feel better because as they say, you are what you eat! You are thorough with your research and it shows in your explanation about the nutrition in relation to the individual. This new form of technology had me excited for the future and your paper. 🙂
I enjoy how you incorporated your thought process in your post so we could have insight on the direction you want to take your essay. The fact that this information influenced you dive in deeper about the various types of technologies that can be used is amazing, since now you are able to narrow down your question and elaborate even more. I think this topic is great since we can see the new opportunities that researchers are discovering. I’m looking forward to reading your paper! 🙂
Hi Audrey! I think that the way you explained what you learned was done very well I feel that it was a nice start for people who have no clue what dietetics is because personally, I did not know until I read your post. I love how you focused on nutrition by explaining it throughout your post. I also like the fact that you spoke about genetics playing a role in eating habits and nutrition.