Weird fruit entries

September 5th

The data looks very peculiar if you think about it the grooves and ridges kinda remind me of a desert ongoing forever. The soft and sweet date is looking back at me I’m not very tempted to eat it ;however, because it’s too sweet for my taste, and I’m prone to getting thirsty from eating it. Then like in a desert I crave water that I’m too far away from to get. The center of the date is wasted space filled with a useless pit that only purpose could be to renew life. But how will it renew life without water, I wonder? This date isn’t even enough to fulfill my hunger unless it teams up with a few of its kind. Again, pushing ideas that a whole is more powerful than an individual. We can only go so far to make a difference, but a group might make a difference.

September 6th
It’s healthy this small little date. My mother always talks about the wonders it does for one’s health. I wonder how much this little thing can do its insignificant size is seemingly unlikely to make much of a difference. In a way, that’s what people say about me… A small little girl… What a pity it’s not a son, after all, what can girls do? Although we seem to share the fact that was both representative figures in our culture it seems that even date has more value to my uncles and aunts. That kinda infuriates me even though the two things are incomparable. How can a date be more liked than what I am?

4 thoughts on “Weird fruit entries

  1. I like how you were able to compare the date to yourself, you worded everything in a way that was easy to understand. I especially liked when you questioned how such a small thing could make a difference.

  2. Asra, this is great how the date got you considering issues of culture, gender, and justice. You move from description to theme is quite organic and makes it a powerful piece.

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