The Use of Technology in Schools

In today’s century it is almost impossible for a child to learn without the use of technology. Technology offers access to millions of databases that provide tons of knowledge for students to research and learn.  For a long time the main source of knowledge in schools were books and the teachers but, the access to technology offers a whole new world of knowledge. Another thing that technology has offered to education is online courses.  There is a huge database of university courses available for students online that can help them get a cheaper, and more flexible education. Overall, technology is crucial to learning in the 21st century and offers many bridges to success.


Reading the article really helped me get a good idea of the use of technology in a student’s life. When I graduate college I want to become an elementary school teacher.  As a teacher, especially for younger kids I would think that technology was not used as much, but honestly being in a classroom where technology is used as a main source of knowledge and learning.  In my Field Experience I learned that some kids use technology to enhance their learning. I also think it is important that universities offer online courses for people with not as much access to the money or resources to challenge themselves.