The First Time

By: Sanjana Annapureddy

The first time I went to a concert,

I was thirteen

The sun was slowly setting, creating a rainbow colored sky

There was a slight breeze brushing past us,

picking up everyone’s excitement and carrying it through the air

Finally, the singer came on stage

A jolt of anticipation went through my body

The arena roared with adrenaline

and you could hear the strumming of the guitar,

the low notes ringing through the crowd

signaling the beginning of the song.

The music echoed a spark,

and as his powerful voice filled the atmosphere around us,

people screamed the lyrics and danced the entire night.

The Eye of the Storm

By: Pratha Ravani

The wind tore through the air

screaming and smashing everything in its path

howling with no mercy

the rain

smashing with the same amount of fury

drenching everything

as it lays its wrath

when suddenly

for a fraction of a second

it appears

like an angel shining its light

in a war zone

as the sun shines bright

the trees smile

the birds appear

and the ground

sighed as it was not attacked

but not for long

As it was chased

by a monster

who tore through the trees

bring back destruction

but it still stayed

A little light remained

giving hope

A Day in Spring

By: Isaac Yoo

As I walk home during the desolate, cold days of spring,

I hear the lonely wind howling in the air,

The pine tree is as still as the lamppost and the crunch of the rust-colored twigs beneath my shoes occasionally break the silence,

I finally reach my home, exhausted,


The red bricks of my home seem agonizingly similar as I walk up the old, crumbling stairs,

I grasp the black, unstable rail,

I set my sight on the doorknob,

Before I ring the doorbell, time stops,

Doubts break into my mind slowly, but leaves like the car sprinting past me,

I am prepared to hear the same meaningless assurance, words that mean nothing,


“Ding”, I hear the ring of the doorbell,

I reassure myself there is nothing to hope,

I am a prisoner chained down by doubt, negativity, and hopelessness,

I drag myself onto the vibrant red carpet only to be welcomed by the pounding footsteps of my mother,

Suddenly my mother rejoices like church bells in a wedding,

I experience a wave of relief, knowing that the pain of waiting for the results is over,


As the blanket of night covers over the Earth,

I hear the sound of crickets,

I see the leaves outside dancing in the wind,

As I see the moon, a shimmering diamond rise,

I look forward to another day full of joy and happiness.


The Best Forest

By: Arnav Tiwari

The rainforest contained luminous flowers,

With animals very diverse.

The long trees shadowed the grounds like towers,

The elegant waters were where the otters immerse.

When travelers arrived from various places,

The spider monkeys began their treetop races.

Snakes slithered around the large rocks,

Watching the sky for any hungry hawks.

The rainy environment hosted many homes,

Which could eventually expand to an even greater biome.

The travelers came to experience wonders,

And ended up with roaring thunders.

but with the trip came lots more things

the visitors got to see what nature brings.

The rainforest is just one of the places,

like the Taj Mahal or Eiffel Tower.

A destination part of the world spaces,

where travelers get to see colorful flowers.


Middle School

By: Ryan DelVecchio

I stepped off the bus in a state of fear waiting for my friends to get off

I could see the mysterious building from where I was standing

My legs were shaking just like jello

My heart was beginning to race and beat faster and faster each second as I approached the frightening building

My hand had reached out and touched the greasy handlebar on the door

I swung open the door and took one step into the school

The scent smelled like spoiled food left in the refrigerator

If I had listened closely, I could hear the walls surrounding, laughing at me as I continued down the hallway

I felt terrified as I was enclosed by ginormous students

My friends and I had split and began to walk in opposite directions to our microscopic lockers

Our lockers were like small DNA strands in a cell

I quickly opened my locker and continued to my first block

I had caught sight of the smallest room in the distance and made my way over there

I sat down in the nearest seat and my heart beats began to weaken feeling relieved when the bell rang


Kat W

The sun rises, old becomes new

Birds sing as grey clouds slowly turn white

The sky was a bright blue blanket, with no clouds in sight

The sunshine says “Hello” to the sweet smelling sunflowers

In the morning theirs a new me to meet

Fresh as the dew clinging to my feet

In the morning I remember yesterday’s mistake and I know better what is at stake

In the morning , I let go of the dark, let in the light

In the morning my eyes are brighter, my smile is softer

In the morning I’m awake, hopeful, and free.


By Ava Allen

You who watches our children die

But who claims gun control is the reason why

You who speaks words forged in someone else’s mouth

While the bullets rain down

You, disgusting you who claims to care

While overlooking souls that were once there

You who is controlled not by care but by your bank account

Who hides the skeletons in your closets but brings other people’s out

You strut around like a queen in your expensive wares

While our borders are invaded without a care

You are vile

How can you claim the ones who save lives

Are the ones that should be jailed for using their rights

You cower like a child while others die

You make me sick

You claim to give all that you have

But that wall around your mansion says otherwise

You may have once known what we are going through

But those memories are long lost to you

You will always be what you have always been, a coward

Hiding behind the the legacies of people that are as vile as you

God bless America the red white and blue

Plans, Hopes, and Dreams

By: Rashmi Admala


Plans, hopes, and dreams

Eighteen-year-olds waiting to graduate

Holding onto their grasp of freedom

Summer plans waiting to be conquered

A few more days felt like aching years


The roaring conversations of students filled the room

The volume ticks higher; increasing and increasing

A lion could roar and no one would hear the sound

Suddenly, word travels rapidly like the thoughts in one’s head

One by one each student powers down

Like there’s no battery left to use


All they remembered was lockdown:

An intruder has entered the school

The silence was deafening

Students were shaking

Like the trees in the wind


Lights; off

Doors; closed

Windows; covered

Mouths; shut


Footsteps and footsteps stomp like elephants

Still bodies with closed mouths

Eyes wide with fear, staring at one another

Like the souls have already left


The cold, metal doorknob violently shakes

There he is with the eyes of a maniac

Memories are clutched onto

Times of happiness come to protect

Special family moments engrave minds

Appreciation sinks in

Maybe there’s still plans, hopes, and dreams left


The rising

The wind is blowing aggressively

But i’m hooked on strong

My friends coming and going

Wish i could go along


Sitting high on this tree

Cold wind blowing on us

Wish you could be here with me

On this eucalyptus


I look down at him

He looks back at me

I cant live like this

Without him in this tree

An Ode to Middle School

I was young

When I first saw you

The colossal building

Cemetery of young souls

Crowdes with mindless robots

A prison where children and their spirits

Go to die

Forced to endure a three year sentence

Slaving away,tired,broken

Crying over rigorous assignments

Even when they are at home

It is a war

Between the prisoners and their guards

Until we are finally free

Of course, there is a chance

Of getting a humane prison guard

Who will feel sympathy

But only if luck is on your side

I am nearly finished

My sentence almost done

I am off to experience life again

But not without my scars

Be warned, it will haunt your dreams

Until, you too, are done