Blogging Challenge- Week Eight

Hey everybody! Emma here, for the eighth and final week of the 2019 Student Blogging challenge. Sorry it’s so late! I really enjoyed the challenge and hope to participate next year. This was my first year participating, and I liked it a lot.

Over the course of the challenge I completed six out of the eight posts (this being the seventh). My class skipped week six to work on something else, but I otherwise completed all of them. My favorite post out of all of them is either week seven, week three, or week five. I love drawing (which was an aspect of weeks three and seven), and the creative writing aspect of week three was really fun. I also love Broadway musicals and video editing, which I got to do in week five’s post.

As of when I’m writing this, my blog has gotten a total of 22 comments and 462 visitors! I know it’s not much compared to people on YouTube or Tumblr, but it’s huge for me. Everyone’s comments were so fun to read. I think it’s really important to comment on others blogs. It helps us connect with each other, even if we’re not in the same part of the world.

I think that even though the Blogging Challenge is over, I’m definitely going to keep blogging. I’ve really enjoyed the experience and I want to keep going with it.

Thanks for stopping by! Leave me a comment and a link to your blog so I can return the favor!

Blogging Challenge- Week Seven

Hello everyone! Emma here, back for week seven of the Student Blogging Challenge. Can you believe we’re practically done with the challenge? My class skipped week six so we could work on something for the sixth graders in our school, but I’m here now! The theme for this week is holidays and festivities, and I decided to talk about Christmas (and Thanksgiving)!

One thing I’ve noticed is that people like to forget about Thanksgiving. The excitement goes from Halloween straight to Christmas. I really like Christmas, but I wanted to take a moment to give Thanksgiving a little love. I know some of you aren’t from the U.S. and don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, so if you don’t know, it’s a holiday near the end of November where we get together with our families and eat too much food and be thankful for things. It’s pretty great, and people forget about it. There are barely any Thanksgiving decorations, no Thanksgiving lights shows, nobody celebrates Thanksgiving eve, and I just think it’s a great holiday and deserves some appreciation. Thanks for reading that PSA. Back to the regularly scheduled program.

Recently I remembered my tagline includes “DRAWINGS,” and I’ve barely posted any art. I love art (and I need to use my drawing tablet more often), so I decided to draw a little picture for Christmas! I was really inspired by this video by Cetrece on Youtube and tried drawing lineless. Go watch their video (after this, I don’t need that kind of comparison), the art is amazing. I think the lineless style looks really cool in the end and saves a little time, especially because I spend a lot of time on lineart in my digital drawings. I wasn’t really sure what to do for shading on it, though. I didn’t know what color to use (I ended up using a pinkish purple), and I couldn’t decide between cell shading or airbrush shading. I just need to experiment more with lineless art and shading. Let me know if you have any suggestions. I also hid a quick Hamilton reference in it. Tell me if you find it!

Thanks for stopping by! Leave me a comment and a link to your blog so I can return the favor!

Blogging Challenge- Week Five

Hey everyone! Emma here, back for week 5 of the Student Blogging Challenge! This week’s theme is music, and like the Broadway nerd I am, I made a “Guess the Song” quiz for a few Broadway musicals I’m into. I made the videos below with WeVideo. It was super easy to use and it works very well, not to mention it’s completely free (I think. Don’t quote me on that. Everything I needed was free, though). It’s overall just a great, simple video editing software.

How to take the quiz:

Watch the video below. You are given a five-second clip of ten songs from popular Broadway musicals. Then, leave me a comment with your guesses. If you don’t know all of them, that’s okay! Just try your best, and don’t feel like you need to guess for all ten of them.



See if you can guess this song. It’s from a musical that is not on Broadway, but it has an awesome soundtrack and was one of the first musicals I got into. This might be a little difficult if you’re not a hardcore musical fan, so I’ll give you two hints, plus an extra five seconds of it.

HINT #1: Theater fans and book nerds alike may recognize the musical this song is from.

HINT #2: Kristin Stokes sings this song



Thanks for stopping by! Leave me a comment and a link to your blog so I can return the favor!

Blogging Challenge- Week Four

Hello everyone! Emma here! It’s crazy we’re already in week 4 of the Student Blogging Challenge. This weeks theme is free choice, and me, as the Hamilton fan I am, decided to make a Hamilton quiz. If you know Hamilton characters and lyrics, you’ll do great. Let me know how you do! I’m curious to see how well you guys know Hamilton lyrics!

Thanks for stopping by! Leave me a comment and a link to you blog so I can return the favor!

Blogging Challenge- Week Three

Hello everyone! It’s Emma, back for week three of the Student Blogging Challenge! The challenge for this week is Fun with Photos. I decided to post one of my drawings. The drawing I used was originally for day 7 of Inktober this year (click here to learn more about Inktober). I wrote a short little story about it below.

I stood at the edge of the cliff, the grass tickling my bare feet. Peeking over the edge, I saw the crystal blue ocean glittering below, reflecting the bright sunlight. It’s not too far of a drop, I decided. I could see the smaller details of the beach from up here, where kids had built sandcastles and I sat down, letting my feet dangle over the edge. A cool breeze blew in from the ocean, calming my mind. I sat for a moment, kicking my feet, until I felt my shoe fall of my foot. I scrambled closer to the edge and watched it fall. It hit the water below with a soft plop. Oh boy, I thought, what am I going to tell my parents? I sat watching the still water for a minute until I saw a disturbance in the waves. Glancing down, I saw the small outline of a person popping out of the water. They picked up my shoe and examined it, looking awfully perplexed. They must have felt me staring, because they looked up. We locked eyes for a moment, and I didn’t dare breathe. My heart rate picked up. I’d only read about their kind in books. Was this my chance to finally meet one? A minute passed, and I watched them dive back under the water, disappointed. Wearing only one shoe, I headed back home, wondering if I blew my one and only chance to meet a mermaid.

Thanks for stopping by! Make sure to leave a comment and a link to your blog so I can return the favor.

Blogging Challenge- Week Two

Hello! It’s Emma. Week two of the Student Blogging Challenge has begun! I can’t believe we’re already two weeks in! The week two challenge is about commenting. I worked with my classmate Zoran (link to his blog here) to make a video about commenting. We used a super-easy program called Biteable.

Thanks for stopping by! Leave me a comment and a link to your blog so I can return the favor!

Blogging Challenge- Week One

Emma here! I don’t know about you, but I’m currently stuck in the Milky Way. It’s Week One of the Student Blogging Challenge, and I’m super excited. My whole Communications class made an avatar. You can check out the slideshow above, which includes a little bio about all of us! You can use the arrow keys to navigate through the slideshow.

If you still want to learn more about me and my classmates, check out the links below! Find someone who has similar interests to you, or someone interested in different things!

Who’s in color guard?

Who loves animals?

Who loves memes?

Who likes worldbuilding?

Who wants a pet bird?

Who likes biking?

Who likes running?

Who loves Hot Cheetos?

Who likes volleyball?