Exploring Arachnophobia

In my second spread I chose to do some media studies and thumbnails to really explore my placement and subject matter. Originally I was going to solidify my idea to the second page with the hand, but after some consideration and suggestions, I decided that, that idea was a little too overused. Although the hand popping off the page is really interesting, the overall idea of having the spiders crawling all over the hand was a bit cliche. In my small media study on the first page I just wanted to work through putting detail into the full spider. Once again I used the black watercolor splatter theme in the background and it was really fun.


3 thoughts on “Exploring Arachnophobia

  1. This is a really creative way to incorporate more out of the border kind of ideas for a sketchbook, I wouldn’t have been able to come up with something like that, but you inspired me! As a person who is quite afraid of spiders, this got me feeling “eww” , but at the same time it looks so close to the thing. How about making a hand out of spiders? As much as it fears me to say so, you can get a lot of emphasis on arachnophobia.

  2. I love how you did the black watercolor splatter like it gives out a sense of eeriness. Also the hand going off the page makes it look like it’s 3D. Your concentration on irrational phobias is so fascinating (well to me at least because I’m not aware about all the phobias there could possibly be). Maybe for your artwork you can have a couple hands in different poses with spiders crawling on them (just to make the hand not centered). Also sticking to a dark background can convey the sense of fear. I hope to see your final piece soon!

  3. From what I can see, I think you’re concentration is about greatest fears. If so, I wouldn’t simply display a spider for arachnophobia. I would make a sort of spider monster by mashing together arachnophobia triggers.

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