
Entry 1

Coconuts are like big round almonds. They have hair that reminds me of a balding old man. How can coconuts be so ugly but be found in some of the most beautiful places? They are so confusing because I don’t understand how they grow on trees and are hard on the outside but filled with water on the inside. How does the water even get there? The bottom of the coconut has 3 dots that make a face which makes it look even more like a balding old man. I’m wondering if you could make it into a bowling ball that could be used by an old man.

Entry 2

I just got back from vacation and came home to my coconut leaking all over my kitchen table. I thought it would’ve smelled rotten but it actually smelled quite nice because it smelled like well, a coconut. It surprisingly has a lot of water inside which explains why it was so heavy. I debated trying it but decided it probably wasn’t the best idea because it had been sitting out for 4 days. I wonder what would happen if i planted it into the ground. Would it grow into a coconut tree? Or would it just rot into the ground?

3 thoughts on “Coconut

  1. You did a fantastic job asking questions and observing your coconut. I love how you related the coconut to an old man and then a bowling ball. Then to an old man using the bowling ball. Your thought process is so creative and unique.

  2. One part I found rather interesting was when you questioned your organic object by asking, “how can coconuts be so ugly but be found in some of the most beautiful places?” This particular question leads me to believe you have a curious and creative thought process while writing, which I really enjoy.

  3. Jack, it’s fun to see your mind’s freedom of association. For example, “The bottom of the coconut has 3 dots that make a face which makes it look even more like a balding old man. I’m wondering if you could make it into a bowling ball that could be used by an old man.” It kind of comes full circle there (pardon the pun) — drill holes where the three dots are, and there’s a bowling ball that the old man (that you started with) could use. I now think of some balding people I know with coconut hair. Thanks (I think). Great stuff.

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