My 20 Questions!

Hey guys! In this blog post I will be asking myself 21 questions about myself! Then I’ll be answering them! Feel free to respond in the comments with your answers and add a link to your blog! These questions I based off of past questionnaires I’ve received and just some interesting topics of discussion 


  • What is your favorite sport


Although I play many sports, that change as the seasons change, I pick soccer because it is fun to be goalie and I have a really fun team to play with so that might be a key factor!



  • What is your favorite color


I was raised on heavy Irish pride so I’ve always loved the color green and orange but for some reason green always sticks out to me. So green, is my final answer.



  • What is your favorite TV show


I absolutely love “The Walking Dead” (TWD). I have a huge apocalypse or post-apocalypse interest so TWD is one of my favorite shows. I started watching it in 6th grade and I stopped for a bit but started back up a few days before quarantine started, so I got into it just in time!



  • What is your least favorite TV show


This seems pretty obvious but my brother who is 6 watches a lot of stupid shows and by far my least favorite is the “PJ masks” show. I have no words for how annoyed it makes me when he runs around the house singing the theme song for the 9th time in a day.



  • What is your favorite movie


Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. It’s absolutely hilarious and Monty Python is a great group that is very funny and a good comedy group that is relatively family friendly.



  • What is your least favorite movie


Trolls. Both troll movies are the worst things I have ever experienced because they are the dumbest, most pointless movies ever. I hate on trolls so much because they just frustrate me with the annoying music and unnecessary dancing.



  • What was the hardest challenge you’ve faced, related to school


I would probably say Math. With online school, Geometry and Civics, I think that this year is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do related to school but the hardest of all is definitely geometry.  



  • What is the weirdest food you’ve eaten


I was tricked by my dad into eating gator in Florida. We were in a restaurant and I went to the bathroom, when I was gone my dad ordered gator nuggets so I got back and he told me it was chicken poppers. I tried one and it was super chewy and I was going to ask what it was when my brother started laughing his head off and I turned to him and through tears he said “YOU…… ATE………. A GATOR!!!!” so naturally I hit him and then spit out the gator. 



  • What was your strangest injury


When I was in second grade, I was at my bus stop which is at the beginning of a cul de sac. All of the kids waiting for the bus went to the end of the cul de sac to see a patch of ice that was in the road. We all were on the opposite side of our actual bus stop and had left our backpacks there. We were looking at the ice and the bus came to our stop so we ran to the stop and I wasn’t paying attention so I slipped on the ice and my hand fell into one of the ice puddles and is smashed and my arm basically got shrapnell by ice, but it melted out and i was just left with a lot of tiny cuts on my arm.



  • What is your least favorite subject


I don’t like Geometry because it is no longer a fun challenge, it is confusing and hard to understand.



  • What is your favorite subject


On the other side, my favorite class is coding because it offers a great challenge that is within the realm of possibility and is fairly simple if you can figure out the basics. 



  • What is your favorite video game


My favorite video game is Minecraft and my second favorite would have to be Rainbow Six Siege



  • What is your favorite way to play video games


Since I made my PC, that is my main way to play games with my friends. Although I will occasionally play Star Wars Battlefront on the Ps4 that me and my brothers use.



  • What is your favorite season


I love winter because I prefer the cold to the heat, probably because winter’s in virginia are crazy cold and because I grew up with constant migraines so I drank a lot of water and would cool myself off a lot so I got used to the cold and it was a relief. 



  • Who is your favorite actor


Bill Murray. He is hilarious in all the movies that he is in and is hilarious in real life as shown in the hilarious  netflix documentary. My favorite movie of his is “Groundhog Day” which I think is a great holiday movie that can be watched almost any time of the year.



  • Who is your favorite comedian


My favorite comedian has to be Chris Rock. He is also one of my favorite actors but the fact that he seems constantly happy and his comedy is genuinely funny, makes him a great comedian



  • What is the last picture you took on your phone


Nothing interesting, just a photo of my PC when it wasn’t working so I could do some troubleshooting. Although a few days ago, I took a very nice photo of the window that I broke by accident.



  • What is the first animal you visit when you go to the zoo


The ostrich. Ostriches are such weird animals that I feel like it is my duty to see them at least once whenever I go to the zoo or visit an animal park. I like them because they are just random animals and it’s fun to watch them in action



  • If you could have a superpower what would it be


I would want to be able to go invisible on command. I think that this would be the best power because you could punch people (My brothers) and I could eat as much ice cream as possible without my parents knowing!



  • If you could go anywhere with any two people where would you go, 


who would you take and why

I go to Ireland with my mother and my great grandmother who immigrate from Ireland because I know my mom would love to be with her there and I’d love to see my great grandma one more time.



  • If you had a million dollars, what would be the first thing you buy


If I gained one million dollars, the first thing I would buy would probably be a new PC. I know that there are a lot more things I should be getting, and I would get to that but the first thing I would do would be getting a new PC because one of the things I could get right away with no significant cost and more importantly no paperwork.


Thank you for reading this! Hope you enjoyed and had fun reading! Comment down below with your answers to the questions and leave a link to your blog so I can check it out! -Chess2Impress 


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