100 Word Challenge

An old wrinkled giant decided that it was time for him to start cooking. At first he had no idea what he was doing, but soon he found a cookbook. He read the cookbook and realized there was one major rule, every recipe requires humans. He found a recipe he wanted so he started to work. The recipe required mushrooms and humans. He found a pot and dumped the ingredients into boiling water. He used his ore as a spoon to stir. When he finished cooking he wistfully thought, “What did the human do to me?”

All about Tommy Anfinson

Hardworking,  Smart, Tired, Bored
Relative of Ed and Susan
Who loves Football and Music
Who feels tired
Who needs food and his phone
Who gives effort and compassion
Who fears mistakes and disappointment
Who would like to see others succeed
Who shares there goals
Who is a resident of my house