“We are not the same”

By: Morgan Balser and Carly Roberts

I am Morgan

I am Carly

I am 14

I have eyes like the ocean

I have eyes like the forest

I have a sister

I have a brother

They are 17

I am a chipmunk

I am a koala

when I was younger, I wanted to be like Carly, not Morgan.

now when I was younger, I also wanted to be like Carly. Not Morgan.


where’d you get that shirt?

uhh… Target.


are we wearing the same thing?

Wow, what a coincidence.

I’m clearly not Carly

I’m clearly not Morgan

But everyone thinks we’re the same

Maybe that’s because we’re best friends.

I’m always with Carly

I’m always with Morgan

But again, we are not the same.