Goodbye, eighth grade.

Wow, everyone. What a year this has been. From the most important election of my lifetime, to attending school throughout a global pandemic, and our entire lives being put online. What’s a better time to reflect than the second-to-last week of school?

For starters, I’ve really enjoyed Communications class this year. I had the best teacher and classmates, we did a lot of fun projects, and I’ve loved running a blog this year. The 100 Word Challenges were so fun. And regardless of if I continue to write on here or not, I hope everyone who sees this had a good time too, and will have a good summer.

There have been many highs and lows in this rollercoaster of a year. Starting with the obvious low- a global pandemic. Doing school from my bedroom. That’s had some pros and cons, but I’ve really missed seeing people. I can’t imagine how fun my eighth grade would have been if we had been in person. Still, it wasn’t, and there’s no point in feeling bad about something you can’t change. I just have to hope next year is better. Because of the isolation, and some other factors, my mental health has also decreased drastically throughout the year. I’ve gone to a couple of therapy appointments, they really didn’t help, it’s something I want to work on over the summer.

It hasn’t all been awful, I suppose. I’ve learned a lot about myself. My interests, my dislikes, who I like to hang out with- the pandemic has helped me realize who my closest friends are. I’ve gotten a lot closer to them. I’ve also discovered a bunch of new hobbies, like learning how to play the ukulele and teaching myself how to edit videos, and I still write a lot. In general, if it’s something I like, I’ve been a lot more productive. That’s really good.

I know that over the summer, things will gradually start to go back to normal. I’m about to get my second vaccine dose. I’m not looking forward to the day after, but overall, I know it’ll be worth it when I’m fully vaccinated. We’ll get go back to school next year. I’m entering high school, and because it’s been so long since I’ve actually been in a school, I’m really anxious about that. Not to mention I’ll be in a new place, with new teachers and more responsibility. That’s another thing I want to work on over the summer, preparation for ninth grade.

But I don’t have to worry about school yet. Summer’s about to start, it’s going to be fun! I get to visit my cousin in Connecticut in July, and since she’s a big Marvel fan, like me, we’re going to see Black Widow together. I’ve never been more excited for anything. I’ll also get to see my grandparents on both sides of the family, and we might be going up to Maine, which will be fun. Now that it’s warmer, I’ll get to go outside more. Walk and run and hang out with my friends. I’ve also started swim team again. I don’t like afternoon practices, because mine run so late, but it’s only until school is over. It also looks like it might rain a lot next week. Fingers crossed for some cancellations. I’ll have a lot of time over the summer to enjoy my hobbies, and I’ll get to sleep in and stay up late, and it’s going to be really fun.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone for keeping up with my blog this year, it’s been amazing to have all of your feedback on my posts. Thank you so much, and I hope you all have an incredible summer!

– Grace :))

One Response

  1. martha.rombach says:

    Grace –

    I knew you would be the first to submit your end-of-the-year project. So often, when I’m logging onto the computer when I arrive at school, I can see that you’ve already opened the Communications assignments, usually the 100WC, and written it before class. I love that initiative. 🙂 I wish this could have been a different year, with all of you in class with me. I know we would have thrived together. Given the circumstances, I’m proud of all of us for pushing through the challenges. I wish you all the best in high school, Grace, and, by all means, keep writing–whether it’s here or in a journal that you keep on your nightstand. Writing provides a much-needed outlet for frustrations, insecurities, fears, pride…all the emotions we humans race through in 24 hours.

    Take good care of yourself this summer. Be authentically you in the years ahead. You’re a gem of a human.

    All the best,
    Mrs. Rombach

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