Learning Styles TED Talk

I believe that there is truly no fixed set of learning styles. The human mind is infinitely complicated and learning cannot be mitigated to just three categories. People learn differently based on what how their mind works and what they are learning.  I, for example, have taken multiple learning style tests and my results have all been inconclusive; there is no majority for my learning style. I certainly learn better in different environments, with different teachers in different subjects. There are too many factors that come into play when trying to categorize how the brain learns; if philosophers, psychologists, and scientists cannot agree on the subject, how are teachers supposed to interpret studies, tests, and lectures like this TED Talk? Subjectively, that’s how.

Applying the learning style philosophy to your teaching methods is restrictive, and thus inappropriate for students to be exposed to.  It is a broad spectrum of mindsets that teachers need to address and develop in the classroom- if students get the impression that they are being evaluated and taught strictly in one fashion, for only one purpose, they may come to believe that that is the only way they can learn, thus making their education redundant and their self-image and motivation self-defeating. Learning styles should not be relied on for a rigid teaching style; if used in the classroom at all, they should  be used as guidelines for how to craft lesson plans and how to reach ALL the students.


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