Three Letters from Teddy

What ‘Three Letters from Teddy’ did for me was simply further cement in my mind that I want to be the teacher that has that kind of impact on my kids. All I want in life is to bring positivity to others’ lives, and I realized how deeply that sentiment runs in me last year during Early Childhood. I loved every kid in there like they’re my own (still do), and I wanted absolutely nothing but the best for them. I made it my mission to make sure that above all, those kids felt loved and appreciated. Yes, I was their teacher, but for some kids, this is the only source of love they have. You can never fully know what is going on behind the scenes in another person’s life. The best you can do is show compassion for all, and create relationships that are full of love and good intentions.

‘Three Letters from Teddy’ reminded me that there is ALWAYS a need for a teacher like Miss Thompson, no matter where you are. It doesn’t matter if you teach in a tiny, run down school in the middle of nowhere. There is always a child who needs some extra love and attention. Knowing that I might one day be that teacher for a child, I am reassured that this is what God put me on Earth to do. I am here to share all of the love that I have been blessed with. I am reassured that I will leave this life one day having made a difference.

One thought on “Three Letters from Teddy

  1. You have truly found your passion! I can see that you will have the perseverance and have the gift to be an outstanding teacher.

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