First post in a while. (My top 3 shows)

Watch Modern Family TV Show - ABC.comHere's what Friends cast members have done since the show's finale aired | Entertainment News,The Indian ExpressThe Vampire Diaries - Rotten Tomatoes

Hello everyone!  I am finally back!  With starting the school year and staying busy during the summer, I haven’t been able to keep up with my blog.  Now that I don’t have to write assigned stories, I will be posting more personal stories. Today, I will be talking about my top 3 favorite shows(not in order), and why you should watch them. So in honor of a fresh start for my blog, I present to you my first blog post since last school year.  Happy reading!  


    The first show is Friends.  This is the first teen show I watched.  I realized how much better the comedy and scripts are when the shows aren’t rated tv-7.  This show made me laugh, cry, and cheered me up through tough times.  If you like sitcoms and the new york lifestyle, then you should definitely watch this show.  The last thing I have to say about friends is a question.  Were they on a break?  Any friends fans can fight it out in the comments.  


    The next show on the list is Modern Family.  I can’t even explain how much I love this show.  Every single actor in this show is amazing.  The script in every single episode never disappoints, and the family dynamics are super relatable.  I used to be a hardcore Friends fan and only watch that, but as much as I hate to say it, I kind of like Modern Family more.  If you’ve watched Modern Family, who is your favorite character?  Mine is either Phil, Cam, or Mitchell.  You should watch this show if you like a good time and something relatable.  


    The last show on the list is Vampire Diaries.  I just recently started watching Vampire Diaries this summer and I’m obsessed.  Now, this show is very much opposite to the other two.  It’s serious, with a little bit of humor.  This show has taken me on so many emotional roller coasters that I can’t keep track.  I’m currently on season 7, so no spoilers.  If you like, murder mystery, somewhat horor, and teen dramas, then this is the show for you.   One thing to keep in mind before watching is that there are a lot of gruesome scenes like stabbing, lots of blood, and sometimes ripping a person or two’s head off, but it’s nothing someone who has watched an action movie can’t handle.  If you’ve seen anything related to Vampire Diaries on the internet, then you know about the question team Mat or Damon.  However I have not gotten to that part in the show, so for now I will ask you, who is your favorite character from TVD?  Mine is either Damon or Enzo.  


    You made it!  Ya know, I’ve realized that my TV interests really reflect the types of books I like to read.  When I pick a book it has to be serious/ relatable, and it makes it better if it has a little gore. My book taste also has lots in common with teen dramas.  Now, one thing that is weird is that I don’t like fantasy books, but I like TVD.  Well, I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition, and let me know what else you would like to see.  If you have any concerns, blog URLs, or answers to the question in this article, comment them down below.  As always, remember to live your life with soul. 

End of Year Reflection



Hey there!  Today I am going to be reflecting on this school year. As my days of being a 7th grader come to an end, I think about the ups and downs of this year.  This will be my last post before summer break and my last post for a school assignment!  Happy reading.

This past year and a half has been very different.  Some highlights of this year are that I got to spend time with my family, and that I was able to learn in the comfort of my own home. Some lowlights of this year are that I didn’t get to play band in person, I didn’t get to interact with peers at school, and I developed worse sleeping habits then I already had.  One thing I learned about myself is that I really stress out over grades and I have a bad obsession were all my grades need to be at least A’s.  I don’t like when my grade books order is messed up with different grade.  This year I also learned about my introverted side.  Covid has worsened my anxiety about being around a lot of people and I also have become more of a homebody.  Something I learned about other people and our country, is that our country can have a really hard time compromising.  At the beginning of Covid our country seemed really divided, but it seems like things are getting better.  Lastly to finish my reflection, I want to remember from this year that time management is important and that school grades don’t have to be perfect.

You made it!  I hope you enjoyed this personal type of post.  If you have any questions, concerns, or blog URLs, then drop them in the comments.  Also, make sure to subscribe to my email list so you know everytime I post.  I hope you guys have a wonderful summer break. As always, remember to live you life for soul.

100 word challenge(Flying Turtles??)

Hello everyone!  Today is officially my last 100 word challenge of the school year.  Todays prompt is: I didn’t realize they could fly!  I hope you enjoy the story.  Happy reading!

Every Friday me and the gang get together to play retro video games.  However this Friday was special.  Whoever stayed alive the longest, got to have the rest of the group pamper them for a week.  We were split into teams and each team got 2 tries to make the game go faster.I was paired with Micheal. He’s not the best gamer, but I had faith.  He bounces along the course and runs into a turtle.  He attempts to jump over it, but to his surprise, it blocked him. “I didn’t realize they could fly” he said with a frown.

You made it!  If you couldn’t tell, todays story is exactly 100 words!   If you have any questions, comments, or blog URLs, drop them in the comments  below. Also, suggest things you want me to write about over the summer! Lastly, subscribe to my email list so you know every time a post. As always, remember to live your life with soul.

100 Word Challenge


Hello everyone!  The 100 word challenge for this week is using a picture prompt.  I am posting this story late because of a little writer’s block, but I at least came up with something to post.  I really have no idea what inspired me to write this, I was just trying to think of a new story I haven’t written yet.  Happy reading.

   Today I finally get to show off my art portfolio!  There is a famous artist by the name, Francesco Burtulie, visiting our town today.  I heard through some friends about this opportunity and couldn’t pass it up.  I registered online for the event and it said to meet at Northbridge Road, gate number 29.  As I arrive at the location I see people putting up their paintings and sculptures.  My eyes sparkle at the sight of so many talented artists and I can’t wait to meet them all.  

    You made it!  If you have any suggestions, questions, or blog URLs, put them in the comments.  Also while you’re down there, tell me if you have ever gotten writer’s block.  Lastly make sure to join my email list so you stay up to date with all of my recent posts.  As always remember to live your life with soul.  


One Little Word



The word I chose was soul.  I chose this word for many reasons.  Soul is my middle name and I think fits me perfectly.  I chose soul because this year I want to take care of my mental health and live each day to the fullest.  I chose to draw things around Soul that represent what I want to accomplish this year.  


I think this word will inspire me this year because it has a special meaning to me.  Soul is a part of who I am and knowing my word is soul will make me feel obligated to complete my goals for myself.  Knowing that this word has lots meaning, completing my goals for this year will make me feel much more accomplished.  With all of that being said I need to make sure that I plan out my goals so I can accomplish them efficiently. The plan will be simple but effective.  


   My plan will consist of three parts.  My first part will include my self care.  I want to try and keep up with my skin care and I want to watch my food intake and make sure I eat foods that make me feel good.  The second part of my plan is to take care of my soul/spirit.  I will try to meditate more and make sure I have time to think to myself.  Lastly I want to keep myself on top of things.   I want to make myself be more productive and plan out my activities more.  I want to stay on top of posting content on social media and I want to make sure I practice dance regularly. 


Thanks everyone for reading!  In this blog post I really wanted to get my point across of why I chose this word.  This word has a lot of meaning and I hope you guys think of your own words and how they will help you.  Comment down below what your favorite part of this post was and while you’re down there leave your blog URL so I can check it out.

100 Word Challenge #6






Hey everyone.  Today I am back with another 100 word challenge.  This has been my biggest writer’s block yet.  I rewrote this story four times and wasn’t satisfied until this one.  Hopefully you enjoy it because I wanted to put out the best content for you.  

 My sister is the worst. She gets everything I want.  This week was my first day of high school, and I ran into her friend group.  My sister wasn’t around because she was taking the SAT but that was fine with me.  I tried to pass them, but they stopped me.  “Look, it’s Harper’s stupid sister.  Could you get any uglier?” They hissed.  I didn’t know how to respond. “I thought you had a life but where did it go?” she shouted.  My sister stands across the hallway defending me. Maybe my sister isn’t so bad afterall.

Thanks for reading!  Because of how much work this took, I would appreciate it if you followed my blog.  Recently I set up a new widget where you can get emails every time I post and recommend you check it out.  If you enjoyed this post, leave a comment down below and leave your blog URL if you have one.  Have a great day and as always, remember to live your life with soul!

100 Word Challenge 3

My brother 🙂

Hey all you soulful people!  Today I am back with the third 100 word challenge.  Today’s prompt is actually five words!  The words are: bicycle, desperate, yellow, warned, and greedily.  Hope you enjoy!

My brother usually gets his way even though he’s only 1!  One day we were playing outside, and my brother was wearing his adorable yellow jacket.  He has two baby bicycles, and I jokingly rode one while he was on the other.  He warned me by yelling at me and then greedily pushed me off.  So when I got my own bike, my brother desperately looked at me  wanting to ride!  Of course he didn’t want to ride his two bikes, but the one that his big sister was riding.


Hope you guys enjoyed this weeks blog post.  This weeks post was based off of a true story.  Comment down below with your try at this prompt.  While you’re there, leave your blog URL if you have one, so I can check it out.  As always, remember to live your life with soul!