100 Word Challenge 3

My brother 🙂

Hey all you soulful people!  Today I am back with the third 100 word challenge.  Today’s prompt is actually five words!  The words are: bicycle, desperate, yellow, warned, and greedily.  Hope you enjoy!

My brother usually gets his way even though he’s only 1!  One day we were playing outside, and my brother was wearing his adorable yellow jacket.  He has two baby bicycles, and I jokingly rode one while he was on the other.  He warned me by yelling at me and then greedily pushed me off.  So when I got my own bike, my brother desperately looked at me  wanting to ride!  Of course he didn’t want to ride his two bikes, but the one that his big sister was riding.


Hope you guys enjoyed this weeks blog post.  This weeks post was based off of a true story.  Comment down below with your try at this prompt.  While you’re there, leave your blog URL if you have one, so I can check it out.  As always, remember to live your life with soul!