
Image result for positivity

Making yourself  happy is the best way to be a positive person. Don’t wait for someone to come along and make you happy. As a friend of mine once said “Anything can be fun if you make it fun.” Being yourself will increase your mental health tremendously. Having endorphins in your mind will make you and everyone around you happy making wherever you are a more positive environment.

It can be anything from holding a door, to saying hi, to asking someone how they are and listening. There was a new fad going around last year in McDonald’s drive through. People would order their food but when they arrive to pay, the person in front of them had already payed for their food. People were so happy and grateful and they created a chain. The longest chain ended dup being 14 cars.


Making yourself happy will also make other people happy. Having good mental health will increase the positivity around you.


Thanks for reading!