Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays! No matter what you celebrate, the holidays should always be a fun and exciting time no matter how busy they get. We tend to get caught up with where you go on vacation, what presents to buy, what work you have to finish before the break, and so much more. It is very easy to get stressed during the holidays which we should all try to avoid. Ways to do this are simple.

First, make a list of things you have to do. Then go ahead and prioritize them. This will help your mind focus once you see your thoughts on paper. Second, if you need to finish work, finish things with the closest due date first. If you have finished all of your work then you can move on with your list or get a head start on future work if possible. Third, if you need to run an errand, plan a day or find a time that you’re free and go shopping. This will not only eliminate your list but will also help keep an organized schedule to follow.

These are just some of the things you can do to make your holidays a lot less stressful and a lot more enjoyable. As we move into break I hope you all keep in mind the real holiday spirit and to pursue it with a happy mind. Stay safe guys!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, and many more.


I know I sound like a school counselor, but it’s true and I’ve learned from experience. On my blog I’ll talk about maintaining mental health and how it contributes to a healthy body. We all want to be happy and nobody wants to live day to day with a limiting injury. I’ll also talk about how to deal with the emotional toll of living with an occurring injury. My purpose is to make at least one person’s life better and to let people know that there is someone else out there who knows what it’s like. Stay happy and healthy!


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