SOLs and Exams

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Hello my stressed out and anxiety filled friends. As SOLs and AP exams are coming up, we often tend to stress out, stay up late studying, and don’t eat the right foods. Here are some ways to help.

The day before a big test, You should get 8-10 hours of sleep. If you don’t know it by 11:30 than go to sleep and study it in the morning again. Sleep is the most important thing you can get before a big test. You will want to feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning.

The morning of your test, eat a good breakfast. Oatmeal, Pancakes, Fruit,  Eggs, and Sausage or Bacon are all good examples. If you are like me and don’t eat breakfast, than just east a piece of toast with some avocado and honey. Anything in the morning will help give you energy throughout the day.

When studying for your tests, take little breaks. Try an hour of studying and 20 minutes off. In that time get a snack, watch part of a tv show, do a face mask, or anything that will help you chill and relax. Also remember that if you have been studying you shouldn’t be as nervous as someone who hasn’t studied at all and is cramming.


Good luck to everyone taking their exams and sols!

Academics vs Athletics

The challenge of Academics vs Athletics will almost never have a compromise. Like really, who puts a #1 doubles and singles Tennis conference the day of an AP world exam? This is where they make you choose. Do you choose the AP test for possible college credit or do you play conference and break records with college scouts? My head wanted the test but my heart wanted conference. Eventually I chose the AP test but was truly upset that I had to give up my spot after all the work I did trying to make it as one of the only Sophomores from Dominion and the county. The AP test was the athletic director’s scheduling mistake but making me believe that the makeup test was a lot harder than the original was the school’s mistake. It takes very good mental health to make this choice and is something that we must be strong to do. Even with al the communication we have things like this inconvenience will always happen but it is up to us to decide how to use out mental health to handle it.


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Making yourself  happy is the best way to be a positive person. Don’t wait for someone to come along and make you happy. As a friend of mine once said “Anything can be fun if you make it fun.” Being yourself will increase your mental health tremendously. Having endorphins in your mind will make you and everyone around you happy making wherever you are a more positive environment.

It can be anything from holding a door, to saying hi, to asking someone how they are and listening. There was a new fad going around last year in McDonald’s drive through. People would order their food but when they arrive to pay, the person in front of them had already payed for their food. People were so happy and grateful and they created a chain. The longest chain ended dup being 14 cars.


Making yourself happy will also make other people happy. Having good mental health will increase the positivity around you.


Thanks for reading!


Faith and Mental Health

This weekend is my churches Oratorical Festival which is a faith based speaking competition. When writing my speech I realized how often I depend on God to help me with stress and daily life. I pray when I get stressed, before tests and quizzes, dealing with hard situations, and making the right choices. I put my faith in God that he will help me and my mental health improves tremendously. Going to church every weekend helps clear my mind and refocus. It helps me to know that I’m not alone and that someone will help me through it. Mental Health becomes so much easier when you have faith. I was dealing with a difficult situation with my friend and it was causing me threatening migraines. I went to confession and right after I talked to my priest my migraines went away and I haven’t dealt with one since. Faith is an amazing way to refocus and feel better.

Music Therapy

A key part to mental health is music. Music is with us during our happiest and saddest moments. It pumps us up and helps us cope. Music is a great way to help with mental health. Music helps us work faster and it lowers stress levels. It helps us clear our minds and relax so that we can get ready for our day. A relaxed and happy mind will increase your mental health exponentially.

Illness and Mental Health

What happened in Florida was horrible. That boy had mental health issues and no one payed attention or did anything to help him. However there were probably certain moments that lead to his demise. Maybe someone didn’t hold the door for him or a teacher wouldn’t give him a break cause he had a hard day. Either way he needed support and help and no one gave him any. His mental health was very bad and cause a tragic event no one will forget. Maybe next time someone will stop and help him. Maybe someone will make a difference.


I have worked so hard to make states for tennis and to be on a good team for volleyball. A week before tennis tryouts I went skiing and bruised my thumb. I’m still not sure if I broke it or not but it was a set back. I had to use my faith  to keep my mental health steady. It wasn’t my fault when I fell but I am taking calcium pills to make sure the bones will heal faster. Always be careful where ever you are and stay strong to get though a set back. Injuries only slow us down if we let them. Keep your body healthy and always stay happy.

Sports Injuries

Physical health is just as important as your mental health. God or whoever you believe in only gave you one body to treat right. Don’t feel like you have to push yourself more than you have to. I know its hard especially playing sports cause trust me I’ve been there.

I played tennis for 6 years until I switched to volleyball. I’ve played volleyball for 4 years, year round, and got injured. I wanted to come back quickly for a tournament, so I rushed my recovery and pushed myself. My consequences included tendinitis in both knees and a bad case of shin splints. I was prescribed physical therapy for a year and electro shock therapy in my knees twice a week. My injuries were part of my decision to switch back to tennis and my tendinitis has slowly healed. I have not been injured in over 7 months.

If I had just taken the time to recover maybe things would’ve been different but that’s how I learned my lesson. I wouldn’t wish endless doctor visits, no sports, crutches when it hurt to walk, money spent on medical tape and knee braces, and MRI’s on anyone.

I hope everyone takes care of themselves and is careful when playing their sport. Remember that you  come first and that the consequences are bigger if you push yourself too hard. Stay safe!

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays! No matter what you celebrate, the holidays should always be a fun and exciting time no matter how busy they get. We tend to get caught up with where you go on vacation, what presents to buy, what work you have to finish before the break, and so much more. It is very easy to get stressed during the holidays which we should all try to avoid. Ways to do this are simple.

First, make a list of things you have to do. Then go ahead and prioritize them. This will help your mind focus once you see your thoughts on paper. Second, if you need to finish work, finish things with the closest due date first. If you have finished all of your work then you can move on with your list or get a head start on future work if possible. Third, if you need to run an errand, plan a day or find a time that you’re free and go shopping. This will not only eliminate your list but will also help keep an organized schedule to follow.

These are just some of the things you can do to make your holidays a lot less stressful and a lot more enjoyable. As we move into break I hope you all keep in mind the real holiday spirit and to pursue it with a happy mind. Stay safe guys!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, and many more.


I know I sound like a school counselor, but it’s true and I’ve learned from experience. On my blog I’ll talk about maintaining mental health and how it contributes to a healthy body. We all want to be happy and nobody wants to live day to day with a limiting injury. I’ll also talk about how to deal with the emotional toll of living with an occurring injury. My purpose is to make at least one person’s life better and to let people know that there is someone else out there who knows what it’s like. Stay happy and healthy!


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