100 Word Challenge 3/5

The frightening set plays out in front of me. Chairs and tables and furniture have been kicked over, so this obviously ended in a fight. Popped balloons litter the ground. Everything is covered with a thin layer of dust. The sky outside is an eerie gray, and it’s so dismal that you’d think the sun had never shined. It hasn’t in a long time. The party that was happening before is now long gone. So is everyone I knew. That’s what happens when you outlive everyone on the planet.


I don’t like this at all, but I’m really unmotivated right now and can’t figure out a way to fix it, so I apologize. Have a good week. 🙂


2 Responses

  1. martha.rombach says:

    Hi Grace,

    As I said before, this reminds me soooo much of Ray Bradbury’s dystopian short story, All Summer in a Day. When I read your draft, I thought you left the note about being unmotivated for me. HA HA. Now I see it’s for the entire blogosphere. I am certain that most anyone who reads this will disagree with your self-assessment. From the first sentence, you created a palpable tension; the readers knows something isn’t right, but it’s not until the final line that the veil is lifted. Nicely played.

    I’m looking forward to your next post–motivated or not! 🙂
    Mrs. Rombach

  2. Máire O'Keeffe says:

    Hi Grace
    You’ve certainly used the words of this week’s 100 word challenge prompt in a very creative way. You also had me asking lots of questions as I was reading through your work. I was left wondering what had happened firstly at the party you described and how come you had outlived everyone. Well done on a thought provoking 100word challenge response.
    Máire O’Keeffe (Team 100wc)
    Galway, Ireland.

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