Things I’ve learned from Italy

There were so many different things that I’ve learned from Italy and being there for about a week I have learned that the lives of the people who live there are so much different than the lives we live over in the U.S

  1. The walls are so thin it’s like they aren’t even there since you can literally hear everything from the other room
  2. No one ever uses cars unless it’s a taxi or an ambulance
  3. Because no one uses cars, there’s this awkward silence at night where you can hear everybody’s conversations
  4. There are so many mopeds
  5. People never look when crossing the street and assume the taxis and mopeds will stop for them
  6. People will walk miles in heels all across the city
  7. The stairs going into your apartment are so steep that I fell a couple of times
  8. In Venice, there are water taxis and ambulances!
  9. You have to pay for water
  10. If you don’t ask for water natural then they will automatically give you sparkling water

2 thoughts on “Things I’ve learned from Italy

  1. It’s shocking to know that they rarely use cars since the daily life in the US is centered around everyone driving their car.

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