All About Ayyoob Saeed

  2. I was born February 25, 2006, in the same hospital that the moive¨Patch Adams ̈ opened with. The hospital in located in Fairfax county, and is called Fairfax Hospital. I was born with a heart murmur( don ́t worry, it stopped when I was 10 years old).


  1. I ́ve always loved reading, even if I wasn’t always good at it, so when I started to write, I wanted to make my own stories. By the time I was five, I wrote my first bestseller, with the help of an adult, of course. Currently I am writing a book using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, and continue to write short stories every week. (By the way I was joking about the bestseller bit, you probably already know that, but for those people who don’t have a sense of sarcasm, this is for you.)


  1. When I was four years old, my parents got divorced. While this was quite a devastating moment in my life, it made me learn that you should never let one event in your life drag you down. You should keep on living, keep on discovering, and keep on writing. I love both my parents to death, and they love me and my sister to infinity and beyond.


  1. My first introduction to the best toy on the planet, Legos, was when I was five years old on July 15th, 2011. My dad had given me most of his Legos from when he was a kid, and even an adult, in this huge wooden box on that day, and from then on I was heavily infatuated with the company Lego and its products. To this day I still play with Legos, read about Legos( though now I primarily read up on Lego news), and collect Legos.


  1. When I was a small lad, around the age of 5 or 6 years old, I had difficulty with learning new material, and with that I also gave up on learning. It got worse in Kindergarten when kids would tease me about it. I think the bullying is what really pushed me over the edge, because after all the bullying I decided to prove everyone wrong. I wanted to prove to the world, and most importantly myself, that I was smart, I was able to overcome obstacles, and I was amazing. Now I love to learn, and teach other new information as well.


  1.  To me, movies are one of the best mediums of the past three generations, and I love them. Movies are able to give some of the most memorable experiences in a person’s life. I also love critiquing films and expressing my thoughts on the different aspects of a film( cinematography, directing, script, etc.). 


  1. From an early age I´ve always loved to hear people laugh, especially if it was because of me. In recent years I have stuck to improve and stand up as my comedic medicine, but I also love puns and will use any chance I get to use one. I have written three comedic plays in the past year and a half, and have even hosted my school’s talent show.


  1. My grandfather( Talat Sultan) and uncle( Sohaib Sultan) were always a big influence on me, and whenever they would give speeches to the masses( conventions and community events) you better best believe I wanted to give speeches too. Over the years I practiced my presentation skills and my punctuation skills. To this day I try to continue improving on my presentation skills. 


  1. As I ́ve already mentioned I love reading, but my favorite genre, drum roll( that nobody reading this will actually do) please, is fantasy( and the crowd goes wild, ̈Woo-Ho ̈)! I love the way fantasy is able to bring the most absurd ideas, and make them become genius plot points in storytelling. My favorite fantasy series is the ¨Lord Of The Rings,̈ because it was able to make fantasy a respectable genre. I also love the way the ¨Lord Of The Rings ̈ shows a sense of fellowship, pun very much intended, with the characters, something that I try to do whenever I write a story with multiple protagonists.  


  1. My biggest fear is letting down others, whether it be my friends, my family, my teachers, or God( I believe there is a God). I know sometimes this can be annoying to certain people, which is why I’m trying to get over this obstacle everyday inorder to better myself. Everyday I try to think, ¨Is this really my fault, is this really my responsibility?̈ ̈ If it is really, truly my fault, then I can try to figure out what to do after the assignment is done.


Any who, that’s all folks. I ́ll try to keep blogging every week, otherwise if you want to contact me my email is: or 


And remember to wear your pencils!

5 Thoughts.

  1. Ayyoob,
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. It is so interesting to learn these facts about you. I’m particularly impressed with both your passion for writing and your drive to be published. Althought, I’m equally impressed with your attitude about learning, overcoming obstacles, and infusing laughter into daily life.
    I’m looking forward to a great year together!
    Feel free to visit my blog and comment on my “All About Me” post.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Mrs. Sheridan

  2. Hi Ayyoob,
    Your blog was so funny! It definitely left a smile on my face. I was born at Fairfax Hospital too! I’ve got to say, Legos are pretty fun to assemble. What’s the biggest set you’ve assembled? I’d love to hear! I can’t wait for the rest of the year with you in my communications class!
    – Mariam:)

  3. Hi Ayyoob!

    You know I love reading too! That is such a heartfelt speech about not letting things drag you down! My parents are divorced and I have had to deal with the struggle too! I’m glad you stay positive! When I was young, I struggled in school too! Well, not necessarily just school, more like growth of my mind, I constantly struggled with speech(what a surprise), coloring, learning, etc. But I pushed through the struggle when my dad took me to speech classes and I started improving my growth. I also love movies, my parents will usually already have tickets to the newest Marvel movies and other movies! I absolutely love Fantasy books too, it is my favorite genre!

    Loving your Posts,

  4. Hello Ayyoob,
    This is Risad, and I loved your blog. Even though I knew most of these, some I didn’t. I love how you knew the exact dates of some important events of your life, i.e the Lego one. I hope you will blog more about yourself and middle school shenanigans. I would be very delighted with the tea. : ) One last important thing, Ayyoob. DON’T LET YOURSELF DOWN! It is ok to let other people down. Let yourself be free, be happy! DON’T PUSH YOURSELF! Overtime you will overcome the obstacle.

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